ThinOS USB Device Help

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  • #53369
    • Total Post: 2
    • Newbie

    We are trying to get a USB Webcam and Headset working on a Dell Wyse 5040 AIO. However, it seems that only one or the other works. When the headset is working, neither the USB webcam nor the built in one is recognized. When the webcam is working, the USB headset does not function.

    Here is our current global ini, as well as the ini for a specific user.

    Our group policy is also set up with the following parameters:

    • Do not allow supported Plug and Play device redirection: Disabled
    • Allow audio recording redirection: Enabled
    • Limit audio playback quality: Enabled, set to high

    Please let us know what else we can check to try and solve this issue, or if more information is needed, and we will happily oblige.

    • Total Post: 10696
    • Jedi Master
    • ★★★★★★★

    Two things to check

    1. set both to “no”: VUSB_AUDIO=yes VUSB_VIDEO=yes
    2. add the Connect=rdp subparameters from the wnos.ini to the connect=rdp section in the user.ini


    • Total Post: 2
    • Newbie

    Apologies for the delay,

    We tried both of those configuration settings, it still does not work.

    Is there any way we could get your hands-on assistance on this? We’d be willing to compensate you for your time and energy.


    • Total Post: 1
    • Newbie



    same problem here.

    Audio and Mic are working fine, but when I turn on the Video from the webcam, the microphone don’t work anymore.

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