ThinOS Lock

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  • #107722
    • Total Post: 46
    • Frequent Flyer
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    I’m running ThinOS 9 in Citrix Workspace mode. It seems that once the station is locked, to unlock you just have punch in your password – but it doesn’t appear to actually authenticate that password against the broker/AD. My assumption is ThinOS caches the password that was used during login – is that correct? Is there a way to force ThinOS to authenticate via AD? Right now a bad actor could go up to a Wyse Thin client that is locked and try a thousand different passwords and that user account won’t lockout.

    • Total Post: 34
    • Frequent Flyer
    • ★★★

    The lock feature of ThinOS just locks the thin client. The session in the background remains connected to the client. You could always diable the lock feature, set the clients to disconnect from the session and log out from ThinOS if idle for too long. That would force the user to reauthenticate to the broker/AD if you are concerned about security.

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