ThinOS 9.1.6108 Critical Error

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  • #107303
    • Total Post: 28
    • Regular Joe
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    Hi all,

    I have loaded two Thin Clients with 9.1.6108 for testing. The Hostname Bug is still there and a new a critical Error Showstopper  on both devices.

    @Jim what is going on with Dell? I am getting desperate! It’s getting worse and worse, is there any hope for ThinOS? I think the code is unsalvageable! Probably only students in their first semester program it .

    I have wasted enough time doing your work and testing every ThinOS that is half backed!

    Regardas Wulf,








    Jim Lathan
    • Total Post: 314
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    what hardware model?  so far, so good on the 5470 laptop, so I’m wondering if regression testing on older models might explain the poor experience.

    • Total Post: 28
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    3040 ,also have 5070 and 5470, but always start with the weakest for testing. I don’t know about you but I’ve been testing since ThinOS 9.0.X and I must have posted over 20tickets with bugs which were confirmed and partly fixed, but with every new ThinOs new ones are added.

    since ThinOs9 the worm is in it. The software has simply become too huge and the devices have nothing to do with a thin client !

    Jim Lathan
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    Total noob here.  Just unboxed my first wyse tc and got WMS standard set up to test out capabilities to see if we want to invest in engineering time to develop a proof-of-concept.  Right now, I’m just kicking the tires to get a working demo of a ThinOS-based, Imprivata/OneSign/ProveID-enabled, Citrix “terminal” for presenting Epic Hyperspace so that I can show the management and execs.  (A cherry on top would be local, USB-attached inkjet printing from the Citrix-hosted Epic application.)

    So, I haven’t done much.  Just upgraded a 5470 from 9.1.3x to 9.1.6x on Monday.  But Citrix and Imprivata are working well so far.

    • Total Post: 28
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    Good Luck 😉 . We Use Vmware not Citrix. We were told by Dell Thin Os 8.6 was more in the backend for Citrix and ThinoS 9 will be more for Vmware, but as I see it in the Forum and also from Support probably more Citrix User like Vmware .


    Dell wants to cover everything possible and sell many devices, so it is even more difficult to deliver good quality.

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    Trust me, you’re not alone.  We’re a VMware shop as well and we have to keep all of our WYSE 5070s at ThinOS 9.1.1131 with Horizon 2006 because Dell has yet to deliver a solid ThinOS build that we can upgrade to.  Pretty sure they don’t have a QA team.  Everything released in the past year has been crap.

    • Total Post: 28
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    @MTNBIKENINJA  thank you for your answer. Do you still have hope that Dell ThinOS 9 will fix it in the future?

    Jim Lathan
    • Total Post: 314
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    Hi All.

    I have the same problem. We have Wyse 5070. ThinOS 9.1.6108 and Bios 1.12.0

    Dell me advised installing the latest version of Bios 1.15.1.

    • Total Post: 30
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    In addition to this critical error, did anyone else experience issues with multi-display setups?  9.1.6108 seems to treat the secondary displays as primary so when VDI is launched the layout is jacked.  For example, the VMware login screen shows up on the monitor that’s NOT set as primary.

    Chris S
    • Total Post: 62
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    @mtnbikeninja Yes, I’m having the same problem with multiple displays. 9.1.6 won’t keep the primary display that I set.

    Jim Lathan
    • Total Post: 314
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    Hi all,

    after upgrade wyse terminal to latest version of thinos 9.1.6108 + Bios 1.15.1 (i also uploaded latest DellWMS-ConfigurationUI-Packag version  to wms but I don’t know if affect this solution.)  popup stoped show, but appeard another big problem. Many user change screen setings but after upgrade their seting move to defauld when they turn on/off terminal.

    @mtnbikeninja and @Chris S  did you manage to solve the problem with the displays

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