ThinOS 9.1.2101 CWA 21.4 and Session Reliability

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  • #105710
    • Total Post: 259
    • Jacked into The Matrix
    • ★★★★★★

    Hello All

    In ThinOS 9.1.2101 and latest CWA 21.4 and really all previous CWA’s and WTOS9 versions, session reliability does not give you any indication on the WTOS9 event logs (local), WMS “Pull Log File” that session reliability is being engaged.  The Citrix session will become frozen and no “pop up” indicator with a count down of 3 minutes (or whatever your session reliability setting is on the Citrix side).

    The log file writing session interrupts in WTOS8 was extremely helpful when someone complained of slowness or connection interrupts I could pull a log file from WMS and see with time stamps when session reliability would kick in and I could correlate that to historical data in Citrix ADM at a per minute level that would show a client issue (high client side retransmits) or if there was an issue on our end with server side latency or server side retransmits (rare).

    In WMS under Session Settings>>Citrix Session Settings>>Basic Settings, Session Reliability is enabled (toggled on blue) yet I get no indication visually or in the log files that it ever engages. The only way to verify now is doing a remote computer MMC>>Computer Management session to the VM/Desktop and look through the Windows Event log files for Citrix session reliability keep alives for port 1494 and 2598 in the Application Event log which is much more time consuming.

    Is there something I’m missing in WMS settings or in WTOS9 to have session reliability notifications locally on the device or a visual on the device so end users know “Hey my session is frozen, but I have this timer counting down so something must be happening I’ll wait.”

    • Total Post: 10696
    • Jedi Master
    • ★★★★★★★

    Have you tried to modify the “Error Log Level” under Services – Troubleshooting Settings?


    • Total Post: 259
    • Jacked into The Matrix
    • ★★★★★★

    I’ve tried verbose logging on my 5470 and it hasn’t seemed to make a difference

    • Total Post: 10696
    • Jedi Master
    • ★★★★★★★

    Could be that this info is no longer shown in the Eventlog.
    You should open a ticket with Dell and ask them to add it back.


    • Total Post: 259
    • Jacked into The Matrix
    • ★★★★★★

    Spoke to Dell about it some time back and it was coded into ThinOS 8 since Citrix Receiver was so heavily modified by Dell for ThinOS 8.  In ThinOS 9 they’re just using CWA for Linux.  I can reproduce the same Citrix Session Reliability issue in CWA for Linux on my Ubuntu machine.

    • Windows 10/CWA 21.06 – unplug Ethernet, session reliability kicks in after 30 seconds with opaque Citrix session screen and count down timer in top right corner
    • Linux Ubuntu 20.04/CWA Linux 21.06 – unplug Ethernet, session reliability does not show an opaque Citrix session screen and no count down timer the screen is just frozen with no response.  Plug the Ethernet back in after one minute and the session is resumed
    • ThinOS 9.1.3112/CWA Linux 21.04 – unplug Ethernet, session reliability does not show an opaque Citrix session screen and no count down timer the screen is just frozen with no response.  Plug the Ethernet back in after one minute and the session is resumed

    This must be a Citrix Workspace App for Linux issue and I’ve opened a case with Citrix.

    • Total Post: 259
    • Jacked into The Matrix
    • ★★★★★★

    Just bumping this back up to the top.  Been working a Citrix case since August on this and its now resolved with CWAL 2109 preview and Citrix VDA 1912 CU3, tested in CU1 and it does not work in CU1.

    CWAL 2109 preview has this feature added, apparently it wasn’t even a thing in prior versions of CWAL. Now we need to wait for Dell to get CWAL 2109 packaged and you need to be on Citrix VDA 1912 LTSR CU3 (didn’t test CU2 it might work) or higher.


    <span style=”text-decoration: underline;”>What’s new with EAR build:   </span>

    Session Reliability enhancement

    Previously, with HDX Broadcast session reliability, you continue to see a published application’s window if the connection to the application experiences an interruption.

    With this release, you can see the screen changes when session reliability begins. The session window is grayed out and a countdown timer shows the time until the next reconnection attempt.

    You can alter the grayscale brightness used for an inactive session using Reconnection UI transparency level policy. By default, this value is set to 80. The maximum value cannot exceed 100 (indicates a transparent window) and the minimum value can be set to 0 (a fully blacked out screen).

    When a session successfully reconnects, the countdown notification message disappears. You can interact with the desktop as usual.

    Starting with the 2109 release, the session reliability notification is enabled by default. To disable this enhancement:

    1. Navigate to the /opt/Citrix/ICAClient/config/module.ini configuration file.

    2. In the [WFClient] section, modify the following setting:


    • Total Post: 53
    • Back Stage Pass
    • ★★★★


    Stay tuned to the site for updates. The last update was just last month, I would subscriber to the to support for notifications at



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