ThinOS 8.5 tries to switch from configured WMS server name

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  • #47276
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    I’ve got a few ThinOS 8.5 boxes up and running now for testing, and I’m finding that when I set the URL for our WMS server in the CCM fields ( it connects to the WMS server, then tries to switch to a newly downloaded server name for the WMS and MQTT servers (ie – from to, which then causes the ThinOS 8.5 clients to not be able to connect to the WMS server.

    The WMS server worked fine with clients up to 8.4, where it would use a valid FQDN with an Internet domain (.com) and a real certificate. With this new “feature” on 8.5, the client is connecting to the valid URL, then it switches to the actual active directory based name of the server that WMS is running on, which doesn’t match the certificates in use, and also isn’t a name that is available to a lot of the DNS servers that our clients are using.

    Has anyone else seen this in action? And is there a place that I can configure WMS (currently on 1.1, moving to 1.2 in a few minutes) to pass back the URL that I want it to use instead of the hostname of the virtual machine? Or perhaps there is a place that I can override that setting?

    Also, since you no longer are able to enter a MQTT server, and it’s getting the machine name instead of the desired URL, I’d need to figure out how to fix that too.



    • Total Post: 22
    • Regular Joe
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    We had this problem before.

    Check you ccm.ini file and see what it says.


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    Hi Johhen –

    That sounds like exactly what I’m seeing, but my next dumb questions is where is the ccm.ini file located? I can’t find it on my server…




    • Total Post: 22
    • Regular Joe
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    C:\Program Files\DELL\WMS\ccm.ini

    • Total Post: 3
    • Newbie

    I’m having this exact same problem.  Once our 5060 clients were updated to 8.5, they began trying to change the WMS/MQTT server name to the internal AD name of the WMS server.


    However, I can’t seem to find ccm.ini at the path indicated above.


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    • Newbie

    Hi –

    I was never able to find the ccm.ini file anywhere on the server either, but what seemed to work for me was to add a line in my ThinOS advanced config that contained the names of the servers. The log on the devices still show they are trying to switch, but actually can’t as what they are switching to doesn’t exist.

    The line (all in a single line) that I put in Advanced Config was this:


    CCMEnable=yes AdvancedConfig=yes

    Switching out the for your URL obviously.

    Seems to be working for me now.

    But if anyone can find the ccm.ini file…I’d like to try that still too.

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    • Newbie

    Update – I went back to testing this morning, and found that it wasn’t working with the config that I posted previously. I did a bit more research and playing, and came up with this one:


    CCMEnable=yes CCMServer=

    Switching out the for your URL obviously.

    With that configuration in my 8.5 advanced settings, I still see the errors about switching names of the server in the system information on the client, however the configuration is downloaded correctly from the WMS and it is also connecting correctly to the server for MQTT (I’m able to send messages and restart the clients). I’ve tested this from factory reset a few times and all is working correctly.

    Hope this helps.

    • Total Post: 16
    • Regular Joe
    • ★★

    Anyone ever find this ccm.ini file? I am having this exact issue and am swimming through logs trying to figure out why its erroring out.

    • Total Post: 22
    • Regular Joe
    • ★★

    I think ccm.ini was included in an older version of WMS, but it is still in the directory root of my installation after Upgrades: C:\Program Files\DELL\WMS\ccm.ini

    Not sure if it is supported, but maybe you could try to create the file manually with these lines?


    Before URL change it looked like this:


    Please note that the original ccm.ini file also contain some other settings for jpa.connection pwd, mongodb pwd, tenant e-mail, tenant pwd, local.repo path.

    • Total Post: 16
    • Regular Joe
    • ★★

    .If I use a CNAME instead of the AD name, it changes the server back to the AD name for MQTT. It then also states that it needs to reboot because of a server change. If I reboot it at that point, it gets stuck into a boot loop. I then have to factory reset it and it will come up. If I reboot, it goes into a bootloop. This ccm.ini file is non existent and the idea of adding information to the advanced config doesnt seem to work either.

    • Total Post: 16
    • Regular Joe
    • ★★

    I never did find any ccm.ini file.

    What I did discover is that I had to change the DNS service record to the AD name otherwise all of the clients will get into a bootloop. They configure, see that the server changed to the AD name instead of the CNAME. Change the Visual Settings and then reboot, factory reset themselves because of the server name change and go through the never ending loop.

    Is this a confirmed BUG that is listed somewhere? We really do need to use a CNAME. Thank you!

    • Total Post: 42
    • Frequent Flyer
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    Hi Guys, you to keep you updated.

    I faced similar issue after changing my Windows Server Hostname from ServerA to ServerB.   We use DHCP Options to send WMS & MQTT to our Clients and even after changing these settings to the new Servername, it kept resetting it to the old “ServerA”. Even if the client was reset to factory defaults.

    I then found out that  I needed to change the following file to get the thing running. Should also solve your issues, i guess..


    => replace servername of all values

    • Total Post: 16
    • Regular Joe
    • ★★

    I am looking within the bootstrap file and I dont see anywhere where it shows the local server name? am I missing something?

    • Total Post: 16
    • Regular Joe
    • ★★

    Did anyone ever figure this out?

    • Total Post: 5
    • Newbie

    We are also using a CNAME on the WMS server, and MQTT was configuring itself to the server’s host name instead of the CNAME. After looking for all the config files listed above I found that you can edit this in the admin portal, at least in WMS 1.4.

    Go to Portal Administration -> System -> Setup
    and scroll all the way to the bottom.

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