Thin client lockdown issue.

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  • #746
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    • Newbie

    This is a hard one. For me anyway. First I am not a Network Administrator. I am normal desktop support. But my network admin wants me to find my answer for this one my own way. So here is my issue.

    I have a Wyse terminal that is in lockdown mode with the privileges set to low. That means no resetting the terminal to factor defaults. Also the network settings are locked out. I have access to the wnos.ini file to change the settings. Here is the issue. The terminal was setup offsite with a static ip, gateway and dns address. The ip and gateway address thing I got around by hooking the terminal to a Sonicwall router and assigning it the static ip address that is already set. My issue comes in on the DNS server. Since the sonicwall is pointed to a domain name for the file location and not an ip address and the DNS ip address that is locked down on the Wyse terminal right now is not our internal DNS server. The default gateway and the DNS server on the Wyse terminal are set to This is the ip address on the Sonicwall right now. I need to find a way to redirect the DNS request to our DNS server or somehow get the sonicwall to act as a DNS server. I admit I am not a network guru and may have explained this poorly. Please feel free to ask me for a better explanation if it’s needed. Though i dont promise to be able to give it if i dont understand what you are asking. 🙂

    Thanks in advanced for all the help.

    • Total Post: 10696
    • Jedi Master
    • ★★★★★★★

    What’s the IP of the terminal?


    • Total Post: 4
    • Newbie

    • Total Post: 4
    • Newbie

    Internally we are on a totally different subnet in the range

    • Total Post: 10696
    • Jedi Master
    • ★★★★★★★

    OK, so everything is on the same subnet. Great. So, you do not need the router at all.
    Why not install a DNS server and a FTP server on a separate server (maybe vmware) with an IP of Then you would have control over the wnos.ini file and your DNS server.


    • Total Post: 4
    • Newbie

    So you mean setup this server and connect directly to it with the Wyse terminal? Never tried anything like that before. Should be interesting at the very least.

    • Total Post: 10696
    • Jedi Master
    • ★★★★★★★

    use a cross-over cable or a small hub to connect the terminal to your server. That’s all.

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