Thanks to Thomas Möllerbernd

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  • #106148
    • Total Post: 275
    • Jacked into The Matrix
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    I incidentally read that Thomas Möllerbernd is moving on.

    I’d like to thanks him for publishing “confgen”, creating this place and helping a lot of people for years.

    All the best .

    • Total Post: 15
    • Regular Joe
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    Thanks a lot to Thomas!…and good luck to many more professional years to come…! 🙂

    It is so hard to find anything useful on the Internet concerning Dell Wyse-thin clients, config options, recommendations and news updates. Dell (Wyse) own documentatin don’t cover all scenarios (ex. the use of SelecGroup / group.ini 🙂 ) This forum has been all that for so many years!!! Sad to see The ConfGen moving on, but I’m also happy to see great ppl moving on with their careers.

    I noticed a news post in here posted by a new admin about downgrading WNOS fra 9.1x?? New admin, speak up!! 🙂

    • Total Post: 10696
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    Thanks a lot guys for these nice words.
    It was always my pleasure to help you all.
    I am sure that the new one (Jim) will be as good and dedicated.
    However, it is also great to see how you are helping each other here.
    Keep that up. This is real world experience. Very valuable.


    • Total Post: 20
    • Regular Joe
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    Same here !

    Thanks a lot Thomas, and ‘Bonne route’ to you.

    • Total Post: 53
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    Greetings everyone! Yes, Thomas’s shoes will be difficult to fill, however, I pledge to do my best. I am a long-time Dell SE like Thomas with hopefully valuable knowledge and experience to keep his hard work going. I soon will post my bio and I am excited to work with you all.

    Jim Lathan

    • Total Post: 15
    • Regular Joe
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    Welcome to the Captains Lounge, Jim!

    One thing that always made me come back to this forum over so MANY years, was that Thomas had his foot inside Dell. I’m happy to see you have one or more feet into Dell as well. That is just AWESOME for this forums continuity.

    Getting news about new firmware releases from Dell / Wyse, has always been like impossible. This site is the only place I know where I can get such information. Hopefully this site will continue to be that place..

    • Total Post: 21
    • Regular Joe
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    Yes agreed! Thank you so much for many years of service to this community. Also great to see that someone stepped up to help take it on forward. Probably no way to fathom how much time you have put in. Many times thank you Thomas!!!

    • Total Post: 81
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    Thanks Thomas for all your help so far!

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