TCX Suite 4

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  • #5511
    • Total Post: 12
    • Regular Joe
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    Hi everybody,
    I’ve read in this forum that the upcoming version of TCX USB Virtualizer will support Terminal Services environment (Windows 2008 R2).

    Could you confirm this and possibly provide an estimation of when it will be available?

    Thank you very much,


    • Total Post: 7
    • Newbie


    Yes it will 🙂

    What “server” platforms are supported by TCX Suite 4?

    “Server” OS MMR USB RS FR MDS

    XP Pro-32 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

    XP Pro- 64 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

    W2K3-32 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

    XenApp-32 on W2K3 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

    W2K3-64 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

    XenApp-64 on W2K3 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

    Win7-32 Yes Yes No Yes* Yes

    Win7-64 Yes Yes No Yes* Yes

    W2K8-32 Yes Yes No Yes* Yes

    XenApp-32 on W2K8 Yes Yes No Yes* Yes

    W2K8R2-64 Yes Yes No Yes* Yes

    XenApp-64 on W2K8 R2 Yes Yes No Yes* Yes

    Vista-32 Yes Yes No Yes* Yes

    Vista-64 Yes Yes No Yes* Yes

    * Using native RDP/HDX audio out

    You can ask your Wyse sales guy for beta. TCX 4 will be out probably 2010/Q1

    • Total Post: 10696
    • Jedi Master
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    OK, here is an update on this:

    Windows TS will be supported by the upcoming TCX Suite 4. But (!!) you will not have any session security. That means that you can map USB device to your TS but all other users on the same server will also see your device and can access it.
    Wyse is trying to overcome this but it looks like they will not make it run in the first release (maybe never).


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