TAL license required for a 5070 (formerly running ThinOS 8)

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  • #108605
    • Total Post: 275
    • Jacked into The Matrix
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    Upgrading some 5070 from ThinOS 8 to 9

    After the upgrade one of them says “TAL required”. Which is surprising. I’ve already upgraded other ones, exact sames, bought from the same order.

    Any hints ?



    • Total Post: 275
    • Jacked into The Matrix
    • ★★★★★★

    Found the culprit. That was a “service” motherboard changed previously. In the BIOS, there is a “maintenance” section where the SKU was set to “default” instead of “ThinOS”.

    The trick is that to be able to edit that setup, a bootable USB imaging stick must be plugged (but not booted with) when entering the BIOS

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