Switching from WDM to WMS

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  • #47847
    • Total Post: 46
    • Frequent Flyer
    • ★★★

    Hi everybody,

    I’m in the middle of migrating from WDM to WMS but I still got some issues. I’m using mac.ini-files to migrate certain devices to WMS using the following code:

    WDAService=yes Priority=CCM CCMEnable=yes CCMServer=wms-server:443 GroupPrefix=defa GroupKey=Standard MQTTServer=wms-server:1883 AdvancedConfig=yes CAValidation=no Override=yes

    After a reboot the device successfully registers with WMS and won’t check in to the “old” WDM anymore. So far so good. My problem is the “old” wnos.ini/xen.ini (or mac/user.ini) located on the WDM-server which is still being read (and interpreted) by the device even though it shouldn’t even communicate with WDM anymore.

    I’m using the following DHCP option tags to address the fileserver (=WDM-server) for our old WDM-devices.:

    161 (WDM-FTP-Server)

    162 (FTP Starting Path)

    186 (Wyse WDM Manager)

    190 (WDM Secure Port)

    192 (WDM Non-Secure)

    194 (Wyse WDM Server FQDN)

    It seems that all devices registered with WMS still use those even though the tags (would) seem to be WDM-related. If I remove the option tag 161 the devices need about 2 minutes to start since they are searching for a fileserver.

    Do I even need a fileserver if I’m using WMS? Do I have to specify the (new) WMS-server for DHCP option 161? What happens when I eventually shut down the WDM-server?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!


    • Total Post: 10696
    • Jedi Master
    • ★★★★★★★

    Open the Policy in WMS and go to the Advanced section. Check the only checkbox.


    • Total Post: 46
    • Frequent Flyer
    • ★★★

    Oh my god. How did I miss that?!

    Thanks a bunch!

    Andy andy
    • Total Post: 17
    • Regular Joe
    • ★★

    I have the same issue.

    Migrate WDM5.7 to WMS1.4
    if I enable “No Global INI”, then the login screen won’t prompt out.

    Is there something missing in the policy?



    • Total Post: 10696
    • Jedi Master
    • ★★★★★★★

    Wow, this is hard to say as I do not know your config.
    However, yes, it looks like there is something wrong or missing.


    • Total Post: 14
    • Regular Joe
    • ★★

    Hello everybody,

    currently I use WDM 5.7.1 version and would like to migrate to WMS. What’s the clear requirement here and is it even possible to migrate directly to the latest WMS version?

    Do you have any migration plan and requirement list incl. license model if is needed at all?

    Many thanks for short feedback.


    • Total Post: 10696
    • Jedi Master
    • ★★★★★★★

    There is no migration path.
    You would have to update all clients to the latest firmware (ThinOS min. 8.4), install WMS, create policies and move the clients to WMS.


    • Total Post: 10
    • Regular Joe
    • ★★

    Hi CG and Friends. I am using WMS Pro Cloud (version 2.1) accessed via us1.wysemanagementsuite.com. WMS has been a refreshing experience from WDM. I have used both in our environment to manage around 500x WES 10 5060 thin clients. We have call centers at several geo locations but when covid-19 happened, some staff, for lack of a choice, had to take the devices home and set them up there. We had file repos connected to WMS, distributing the updates/packages on the internal network but once users took the devices home, we cannot communicate with those devices without a VPN client installed on each device. Would you know how we can make our file repos for WMS public facing? Or if there is a public facing repository that I can utilize directly from WMS Cloud. My understanding is that we can give the file repo server a public IP and open the respective ports. Would appreciate any guidance.

    • Total Post: 10696
    • Jedi Master
    • ★★★★★★★

    What about moving the repo to Azure or Amazon cloud?


    • Total Post: 10
    • Regular Joe
    • ★★

    Thanks. That’s a better idea. We do have an Azure subscription. I take it we can create a Windows server on Azure, assign a public IP/DNS, and install WMS Repo. Then I can change the TC device group/WDA token to the public one on Azure. Maybe there is something on the Azure Marketplace I can utilize. Is that what you are suggesting?

    • Total Post: 10696
    • Jedi Master
    • ★★★★★★★



    • Total Post: 10
    • Regular Joe
    • ★★

    Thanks a  lot for confirming, CG!

    I have set up the file repo server on Azure. Going to add the Host A record to public DNS.

    For the public inbound ports do I just need 443 and 1883 going to the public file repo? Is there anything else required?

    • Total Post: 10696
    • Jedi Master
    • ★★★★★★★

    443 and 1883 are all you need.


    • Total Post: 14
    • Regular Joe
    • ★★

    Currently I have License for WDM Product name: Wyse Device Manager Enterprise. Do I need new license for WMS?

    BR DU

    • Total Post: 10696
    • Jedi Master
    • ★★★★★★★

    Check with Dell Sales. In the beginning, they had a free of charge program to convert WDM Enterprise licenses to WMS ones.


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