Some Thin Clients lose dual display and time zone settings

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  • #52720
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    We have a small handful of thin clients that are semi-regularly losing their dual display and time zone settings. I’m sort of new at this and am looking for leads to follow. I would love a swift kick in the right direction because I don’t have a ton of time to devote.

    I was thinking this only affected our older C10LE and 3010 models, but I noted a 3040 was affected today.  The device log shows a re-registration this morning.

    In looking at our wnos.ini after reading the forums a bit, I’m starting to think the following looks to be incorrect.  As I read it, the daylight statement is meant to follow a timezone statement.  We have several thin clients in several locations, and don’t necessarily care to manage time settings centrally, we just want them to hold as set.  So I don’t know how I should be setting this section.

    ‘Timeserver=redacted Timeformat=”12-hour format” Dateformat=mm/dd/yyyy
    Daylight=yes Start=030207 End=110107’

    Also, I read in a different post, , something that I need a bit more info on in respect to dual display settings:

    ManualOverride=yes Components=”Display”
    to the Advanced section and the user can overwrite the WMS settings for Displays.’

    Could you elaborate on the ‘Advanced Section’?  Our .ini was generated a while ago by a co-worker with the ConfGen tool v7.2…

    I know I’m unseasoned; I’m just looking to solve these problems without diving too deep.

    Thanks a million.

    • Total Post: 10696
    • Jedi Master
    • ★★★★★★★

    There are two way to administer ThinOS devices.
    One is the INI file you are using, and the other is WMS. The Advanced section is part of WMS profiles.
    You can add these parameters directly to your wnos.ini.
    What firmware version are you running?
    Clients typically do not loose any settings sporadically.
    Can you post your wnos.ini?


    • Total Post: 5
    • Newbie

    I appreciate the help.

    The thin clients we have are mostly older we are replacing some as needed while we look at the plan for the future. They are C10LE and 3010, and some 3040.  C10LE are @ 8.3_109 (highest available), the Tx0 (3010) are @ 8.6_027, and a lot of the 3040 came with 8.6_013 stock and remain that way.

    ;* *
    ;* This wnos.ini file was generated with the *
    ;* Configuration Generator 8.2.01 *
    ;* Copyright by Thomas Moellerbernd *
    ;* *
    ;* *
    ;* *

    ;* General 1 *

    ; If you are using a version of WTOS code < 7.1_133 please use:
    ; Rapportserver= instead of WDMServer=
    WDMServer=”no” Retry=0

    ;* General 2 *

    reboot=yes Time=01:00-05:00

    ;* General 3 *

    AutoSignoff=yes Reboot=yes
    SysMode=VDI toolbardisablemouse=yes toolbardisablehotkey=yes

    ;* Privilege *

    Privilege=High HidePPP=yes HideConnectionManager=yes ShowDisplaySettings=Yes EnableKeyboardMouseSettings=yes

    ;* Peripherals *

    Device=audio Volume=25

    ;* Display *

    DeskColor=”0 0 160″
    Screensaver=10 LockTerminal=no Type=3 PictureOrder=Random PictureCheck=always PictureLayout=stretch

    ;* Time *

    Timeserver=redacted Timeformat=”12-hour format” Dateformat=mm/dd/yyyy
    Daylight=yes Start=030207 End=110107

    ;* Network *

    Device=Ethernet Speed=”Auto”
    ; If you are using a version of WTOS code < 7.1_133 please use:
    ; RapportDisable= instead of WDMService=
    Service=SNMPD Community=public communityReadOnly=private
    VncPrompt=No Accept=10

    ;* Services *

    Service=ThinPrint disable=yes
    Service=WDM disable=yes

    ;* General Session *

    SessionConfig=ALL UnmapPrinters=no UnmapSerials=no Smartcards=yes MapDisks=yes

    ;* ICA *

    PnliteServer=redacted Storefront=yes AutoConnectList=”redacted”
    SessionConfig=ICA OnDesktop=desktops



    • Total Post: 10696
    • Jedi Master
    • ★★★★★★★

    to your config.


    • Total Post: 5
    • Newbie

    Thank you.  I have received only one call about settings being lost since I made the change.

    I appreciate what you do for all of us, keep up your good work.


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