Smart Card login problems

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  • #925
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    Anyone had success with WTOS and Smart Card logins?

    The environment I’m trying to setup is:
    Wyse V10L terminals with inbuilt Smart Card reader
    Citrix Presentation Server 4.5
    Active Directory 2003
    Gemalto Smart Cards

    The following client systems work with our smart cards:
    HP Thin client running CE with a USB card reader
    Windows XP with a USB card reader.

    I tried using the same USB reader on the V10L – no good.
    Wyse claim to have it working, but they enroll their smart card with the Microsoft Cryptrographic Service Provider, not the Gemplus CSP. We have tried forcing the card to use MS CSP but it only works with the Gemplus one. We have also upgrade the CSP libraries to no avail.

    In addition to this, it appears that once logged into the Citrix session, the card software is unable to retrieve the certificate details off the card. It’s almost as if WTOS needs to have some software component which works with Gemplus cards??

    This shouldn’t be so hard!

    • Total Post: 6
    • Newbie

    An update:

    It appears there are two kinds of Gemlato Smart Cards:
    1. ‘Normal’ Gemalto Smart Cards
    2. .NET Gemalto Smart Cards

    It appears that the .NET version support the Microsoft Cryptographic Service Provider, although they cost about 50 Euro each card! Given the cards are so expensive compared to the ‘normal’ ones, I am thinking a different option.

    Not sure on where to go yet, but think about your card vendor and their support for the MSCSP before you buy!

    • Total Post: 10696
    • Jedi Master
    • ★★★★★★★

    Thanks for the update. Ia m sure this is helpful for all of us.


    • Total Post: 6
    • Newbie

    Ok, we received some Gemalto .NET cards, which worked a treat. Make sure you load the Microsoft Base Smart Card Cryptographic Server Provider on the Citrix Server.

    In addition to this, we still haven’t resolved RDP sessions. Citrix sessions work, but we are going back to look at why the RDP sessions aren’t working.

    Be aware that Smart Cards are not all the same. You need to pick the right card for the job. PET based plastics are also preferrable to PVC based cards. They are more environmentally friendly.

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