Site Recommendations

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  • #51971
    • Total Post: 259
    • Jacked into The Matrix
    • ★★★★★★

    Sorry ConfGen I know this isn’t really the appropriate forum, but there is no General Discussion anywhere so thought I would ask the community here.

    With COVID-19, a majority of the company is working remotely and using thin clients. Everything going smoothly until its not.  Latency issues and dropped connections that we’ve investigated through historical packet captures point to external events impacting ISPs which in turn impact their experience.

    My question is, are there any good sites you all use to monitor ISP impact or global tracking of DDoS events, stuff like that?

    One I’ve used over the years when we have longer term impacts to any of our  global office is the Subtel Forum that monitors submarine cable faults and maintenance which would impact geographical regions

    Curious to get everyones feedback, there are some great members in this community.

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