S10 – 2008 Terminal Server Licensing – Can’t LOGIN more 2+

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  • #5451
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    Anybody else still having this issue, or have a fix?

    We have been researching this same issue on this forum and fixya.com for sometime. We are running Windows 2008 Terminal Servers – FARM, FARM1 and FARM2 with FARM being the broker.

    We have 250 licenses installed on the FARM for Thin Client RDP Connections and we can’t get our Wyse S10’s to pull those licenses.

    We have the issue, where we can only have two RDP Session’s logged in are new Farm. The 3rd device to connect gives the 2009 Screen to request to select which Session to remove. Why doesn’t the S10’s pull
    and decrement their licensing – we have tried every fix possible, and still
    can’t get it to work.

    We are now up to Version S10_6.4.0_24.exe WTOS on the thin clients, just upgraded straight from 6.4.0_12. Are wnos.ini File is listed Below.

    Can anyone tell us how to get our 80 S10 Wyse Terminals to work in our new TS 2008 world, and what are we missing.

    Thank you

    privilege=high lockdown=no

    ;* RDP *

    ;- RDP Session 1 –
    ;- Each line but the last must end with a ” –

    Command=”c:nextgenvcp.exe /thin /ini \nextgen-dbnextgenrootprodngconfig.ini”

    • Total Post: 10696
    • Jedi Master
    • ★★★★★★★

    First of all I would recommend to delete “FixLicense=clean ” from your wnos.ini. Otherwise the units will delete the locally stores wnos.ini after each reboot and aquire a new temp license.
    Are you using per-device licensing?


    • Total Post: 5
    • Newbie

    We are running 250 2008 TS Per Device Cals – And I seemed to be able to get 2 more licenses to degredate from the FARM Server which is the License server as well. I removed the Console=Yes, and put it to Console=NO and put inthe full domain name. The three new S10’s I added to the network 2 of them pulled a Cal License, and 1 pulled a Temporary. So we are very close, as haven’t been able to get more than 2 sessions running without a request to select which session we want to disconnect. On previous version of the WTOS 6.4.0_12 – we tried every combination possible when it comes to FixLicense=Clean, Console and we didn’t ever adjust the Domainname=full.domainame.com until just recently.

    We are planning on connecting several more this week, I will remove the fixlicense=clean, that may be why 1 of the 3 newly connected (we have two already connected previously) pulled tempoary license yeah?

    I will let you know how that works, and any comments on the domain name setting as well as console= would be welcomed gladly. Thanks for your reply.

    • Total Post: 10696
    • Jedi Master
    • ★★★★★★★

    Domain name should be the NetBios name and not the FQDN.


    • Total Post: 5
    • Newbie

    What are the implications of having the FQDN name in there, as it seems to be working perfectly with the fixlicense=clean removed.

    Also the only isse we need to resolve so far, is the terminals are going back to the windows locked screen forcing our users to login to the terminal user id, which is something they are not used to and therefore would like to have fixed, what command controls the locking of the console, so we can keep that open, they are locking their application when they walk away, and prefer to keep the windows session live to the application for a faster attachment.

    Thank you, and where can I send you a donation for the Configuration Generator – whats your paypal id?

    • Total Post: 10696
    • Jedi Master
    • ★★★★★★★

    If using the FQDN in an ICA environment it is login is not working. So to be save in your RDP environment you should also use the NetBIOS name.
    If you want to lock the session just press Ctrl+Alt+arrow left or right.

    Paypal is now on the home page.


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