RTME.i386.pkg V2.5 is not latest, latest recommended version: 2.8

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  • #51716
    • Total Post: 13
    • Regular Joe
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    I’ve downloaded the latest 8.6_206 A10Q_wnos, and used it successfully to update my 3040:s via ftp. But when I start up the Wyse, I get the following in the logs:

    09:06:54.938 PKG: RTME.i386.pkg V2.5, size 31956992, files 498
    09:06:54.938 PKG: RTME.i386.pkg V2.5 is not latest, latest recommended version: 2.8
    09:06:54.940 PKG: horizon.i386.pkg V4.8, size 44081152, files 430
    09:06:54.940 PKG: horizon.i386.pkg V4.8 is not latest, latest recommended version: 5.1

    I’ve tried downloading the latest 8.6_206 RTME package, but that doesn’t appear to do anything. According to Dell documentation, RTME should have been updated to 2.8.54007 in 8.6_027, so I tried downloading that version and did a downgrade to it (via ftp), with no results; still at RTME 2.5.

    So how should I go about updating my RTME to 2.8?

    – Pud.0


    • Total Post: 10696
    • Jedi Master
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    How did you try to upgrade the RTME package?


    • Total Post: 13
    • Regular Joe
    • ★★

    Now that you ask, I googled how to do it 🙂 I had it placed in the \wnos folder, apparently it needs to go in the \wnos\pkg folder. I will try again, if the issue persists then I will get back to you. Thank you for the heads up on this.

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