Reset lockdown V10LE

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  • #105572
    • Total Post: 1
    • Newbie


    I just bought a used V10LE to experiment with and learn the software/hardware, and unfortunately it looks like the unit is in lockdown state. Is there any way to reset it? I’ve tried the g-key method with no luck. It’s running ThinOS 6.5.0.



    • Total Post: 10696
    • Jedi Master
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    The V10LE was typically managed by a wnos.ini file hosted on a ftp server. You could check in the ThinOS eventlog if you see something like „contacting fileserver“. This indicates the try to read in this configuration file.
    If you see this, you can take the next step and try to find out the IP address of the fileserver the client wants to connect to. Either you see this in the eventlog or you have to use a network sniffer.
    Once you have the IP address you have to set up your own ftp server with that ip and place a wnos.ini file on it.
    Ch3ck the „First steps“ in the Downloads for setting up this server/file.


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