Remove firmware files that are assigned to 8.6 ThinOS policy

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  • #107385
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    We have started upgrading from ThinOS 8.6 to 9.1 in our production environment now. The way we do it is to deploy the upgrade in Firmware Upgrade as en exception for each thin client (3040). That way we can test functionality for each thin client in a much more controlled way than if we were to add it to a policy and had it done on all of them at once.

    There is however an issue with this approach that we just discovered; When we afterwards want to delete the firmware package from the 8.6 OS Image repository, it is still assigned to the devices that we upgraded and therefore cannot be removed.

    The problem is that we, since we upgraded to 9.1, no longer can reach the 8.6 exceptions, and therefore cannot un-assign the firmware file anymore on the devices.

    Has anybody got a solution for this? Is there any way to reach the old 8.6 policy for upgraded clients?

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    when a TC is upgraded in 9.x, it can lo longer get back to 8.6 unless you manually downgrade it with a USB key with the Merlin package.

    I would recommand also that you remove the TC from WMS DB (unregister + delete).



    Jim Lathan
    • Total Post: 314
    • Jacked into The Matrix
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    Look in the 8.6 policies where you have defined firmware upgrades. Remove the settings in the policy, this should free up the file for removal.

    • Total Post: 9
    • Regular Joe
    • ★★


    Thank you for your input.
    Jim, the problem is that after I have upgraded the firmware to 9.1, I can not reach the device´s 8.6 policy menu, only the 9.1 which does not have this setting. Any idea, how I can reach the 8.6 menu, or remove all settings in the devices 8.6 policy?

    FV, thank you, I shall try this. It is a little more work, and a bit disruptive for the production environment, but it might still be the best solution.


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