Reinstalled WDM 4.5.1 – Where’s my images?

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  • #575
    • Total Post: 5
    • Newbie

    Hey all,

    I just reinstalled the WDM 4.5.0 then upgraded with patch to 4.5.1. Everything seems to be connected up fine, however the images I had on the old install are not showing up. I see they are still in the inetpubftprootrapport folder, but WDM can’t see them…! Please tell me I don’t have to make them from scratch!!!

    Thanks in advance… – IQS

    • Total Post: 1649
    • Jacked into The Matrix
    • ★★★★★★

    You have to start from scratch…

    The script to load the images are stored in the SQL database so if you blow the DB away you lose the script.

    If they are images just download a factory image from and edit the script and replace the .bin or .i2d with your own.

    If you still have your old server you could have used the “view script” command to create the scripts before killing the server.

    Sorry, no easy fix here!


    • Total Post: 96
    • Back Stage Pass
    • ★★★★

    I have a script I can share with you. You use it like this:

    1. You need to move all of the packages from your FTP to another location.
    2. Put this script in the same directory that you moved the packages to.
    3. Make sure all the packages in this directory are “the same”. By the same, I mean same OS, same Category, etc.
    4. Edit the script and change OS and Category to the proper values. If you’re not sure what they are, pull a configuration off an existing device and look at the script (right click the new package, click view script).

    When you run the script, it will look in each subfolder for a settings.reg file. If it finds one, it will create an RSP file for you based of the directory name. You can then import this RSP file into WDM and the configuration will be made available.

    This won’t work for images, however, you CAN modify the script and give it another condition to look for the image file and have it create the RSP file. I used it to import all of my configurations, including images, and it worked fine.

    I hope this helps a little!

    @Echo Off

    For /d %%d in (*.*) do (
    If /I "%1"=="/P" pause

    Echo I might have found a package in %%d
    Echo I need to check and see if I recognize the format before I try to convert it.
    If Exist .%%dSettings.reg (
    Echo I found a registry file that I can make a package out of.
    Echo Please wait while I convert it...
    Echo Creating File %%d.RSP
    Echo [Version]> %%d.RSP
    Echo Number=%%d>> %%d.RSP
    Echo Description=%%d>>%%d.RSP
    Echo OS=CEN>>%%d.RSP
    Echo Category=Device Configurations>>%%d.RSP
    Echo [Script]>>%%d.RSP
    Echo WL>>%%d.RSP
    Echo CO "CEN">>%%d.RSP
    Echo LU "The Administrator is Updating the configuration for this device">>%%d.RSP
    Echo SF "CEConfig" "settings.reg" "REPLACE">>%%d.RSP

    Echo Thanks for waiting. I have created %%d.rsp. Don't forget
    Echo to import it with WDM or Rapport!



    btw, it’s a batch file. Just create a new text file and rename it something.cmd.

    • Total Post: 1649
    • Jacked into The Matrix
    • ★★★★★★

    💡 Oh now thats sweet! 💡

    Thanks Joe 🙂

    • Total Post: 10696
    • Jedi Master
    • ★★★★★★★

    Joe, maybe you should ask Wyse for a job 😉

    • Total Post: 4
    • Newbie

    We were able to create the .rsp successfully, but when tyring to create a new package and register the .rsp file we get the following error:

    “the file name must be the same as the scripts [Number] value.”

    Thank you.

    • Total Post: 96
    • Back Stage Pass
    • ★★★★

    Are you trying to create an RSP from scratch? If so, there are three things that need to match:

    1: The name of the RSP file, without the extention is important. So, for this example, we’ll name our package TestPackage.rsp. Remember the filename without the extention, as you’ll need it in two more places.

    2: Inside the RSP, there is a value called number=. It should be set to the name of the RSP file WITHOUT the extention:

    3: The directory name that holds the files (not the RSP, the files in the package!) should be the same as the Number= value. So, if we saved our RSP file in C:Packages, you would place the files in C:PackagesTestPackage.

    Using the criteria above, you’d have the following files/directories:

    C:PackagesTestPackage.rsp <–script file, inside Number=TestPackage
    C:PackagesTestPackage <–These files are the contents of the package

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