Register WINS

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  • #107648
    • Total Post: 23
    • Regular Joe
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    What is the equivalent of “RegisterWINS=yes” of the WNOS.INI for ThinOS 9.x?

    I need that for “ping” or to use the UltraVNC client with the Wyse’s name. They’re in DHCP. My users know the name of their Wyse (it’s written), not their IP address…

    • Total Post: 3
    • Newbie

    Do you actually use WINS in your environment?   In most cases that’s been supplanted by DNS.  Your DHCP server should be doing the dynamic DNS updates when it hands out addresses to the Wyse devices.

    I don’t know of a setting in WMS which will force a Wyse to do its own DNS registration.

    • Total Post: 23
    • Regular Joe
    • ★★

    I have both, DNS and WINS. WINS only for my Wyse…

    I’ll have a look to “dynamic DNS updates” option on my DHCP servers. 😉


    Thanks. 🙂

    • Total Post: 23
    • Regular Joe
    • ★★

    It’s a option for the scope, not the server. ^^

    That’s works!

    But… not really with my Dell 5070 on ThinOS 9.3.1129 (2205)… This one boot with WiFi on, even if I check “Disable Wireless Device” & “EnetUp”… So, the IP adress in the DNS server is the WiFi one…

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