Reboot V30

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  • #626
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    I want to write a script to reboot V30s on the network (via name). Has anybody any idea how we could do this?

    Thanks in advance.


    • Total Post: 10696
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    Hi slingeruk,

    this is not that easy. You can communicate to the client using the WDM agent that should be already preinstalled on the V30, but the string is not the same for each and every unit, due to a different client ID.
    I am working on this right now and when I find a way I will implement this feature in my ConfGen util.


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    I’m a noob when it comes to SNMP, but couldn’t you use it to reboot the device?

    OID (wbt3RebootRequest) is a 32 bit integer that has a default value of 0. Setting it to 1 causes the device to reboot.

    I have NO idea if thats what you’re looking for, or if it’s even the right terminology for SNMP. The hostname of the clients should be WBT. So you should be able to connect to, verify that it’s a V30 using SNMP and then update wbt3RebootRequest to cause it to reboot.

    Never done it; I just use WDM, but it should work. Maybe someone else here has talked to the devices with SNMP can can shed some more light on it.

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