RDP to RDS session host works fine – RDP to WIN10 does not

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  • #53771
    • Total Post: 5
    • Newbie

    I don´t have a clue here. I can easily connect with RDP connection from ThinOS to a session on a Windows 2019 / 2016 servers, but, I can´t connect with a simple RDP connection to a Windows 10 or a Windows 7  machine. Simply comes back with:

    RDP ( Connection failed

    No firewall, ICMP works both ways. All windows servers and clients are on same network although the Wyse ThinOS 5070 is on a seperate one.

    Any clue?  :I

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    • Jedi Master
    • ★★★★★★★

    Can you connect from a Windows PC to the Windows 10 or Windows 7 session?


    • Total Post: 5
    • Newbie

    Ahh, Thank you. After trying with windows PC I discovered the remote OS´s had configured a different RDP port for those machines although 3389 for the servers. Thanks again 🙂

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