Question about USB/Serial Adapters on ThinOS

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  • #46023
    • Total Post: 12
    • Regular Joe
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    I have a Wyse 5010 (D10DP),  which is connecting to a Windows Server 2012 R2 server running Remote Desktop Services.   I’m using the RDP protocol.   I’m trying to plug an USB / Serial Interface cable into my Thin Client and forward this USB device over RDP to the Windows server.    I planned on plugging the console side of the cable into Cisco switches to configure them them using Putty on the server.   I am using an USB / Serial interface with a FTDI FT232BL chipset.    When I plug the cable into the Thin Client,  it detects the cable as a FTDI device and assigns it COM4.   I was able to forward this device to the RDS server and the server sees it as an USB/Serial device on COM4.   I did install the drivers for the USB/Serial device on the server.     When I open Putty and connect to COM4 it looks like I’m not talking to the Cisco switch.    Is this something that should work ?

    I did see on this forum that Wyse has a special USB/Serial cable,   is this something that I have to buy ?    If so,  where do I buy one ?   I called Dell Tech Support and they didn’t know anything about this cable and I can’t find it on their web site.

    • Total Post: 10696
    • Jedi Master
    • ★★★★★★★

    Dell IS offering such a cable.
    Contact a Dell sales guy. He should find it.
    Dell partnumber is A6927550


    • Total Post: 12
    • Regular Joe
    • ★★

    I found this cable on Dell’s web site, but it doesn’t mention anything about Wyse Thin Clients or ThinOS.   The System Requirements are for Microsoft Windows 98SE/2000/ME/XP.    Have you tried out this cable with ThinOS ?

    • Total Post: 10696
    • Jedi Master
    • ★★★★★★★

    Yes. Works perfectly


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