Pushing WES7 image to clients results in endless boot loop.

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  • #105713
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    • Frequent Flyer
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    With WDA installed and the device registered in WMS I move it into the staging group which applies an image update (currently on 9.08, latest is 9.10) which then reboots the device. The device then never finds the DNS-SRV records so doesn’t pull the image down. This seems to be because Merlin is looking for a WDM server (from what I can gather from the logs). Looking at updating Merlin the guides say update the image which will update Merlin/BIOS.

    How can I update these devices?

    • Total Post: 10696
    • Jedi Master
    • ★★★★★★★

    Can you try to update the WDA agent first and then move it?


    • Total Post: 30
    • Frequent Flyer
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    WDA agent is updated (to They are not registered to a WDM server, we only run WMS.


    • Total Post: 30
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    Any ideas to resolve this?

    • Total Post: 10
    • Regular Joe
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    You mentioned WDA was installed on the machine registered to WMS. Was that registration done manually or did the device register itself (using your dns records)?

    • Total Post: 30
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    I’m fairly certain it was done with DNS but the devices seem a bit picky about when they want to use the DNS records. I have another thread on the updating/registering which I haven’t got any help on as I can’t find the tools or processes required (in a reasonably coherent/usable fashion) so end up having to update WDA manually on the devices and then register it manually if it doesn’t pick up the settings from the DNS. From what I have read I should be able to do all this in one go from the client but I haven’t seen that reliably work repeatably.

    • Total Post: 30
    • Frequent Flyer
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    Just updated to WMS 3.5.2 and was giving this another go, updating WES7 clients to the latest version. Currently they are on 6.1.7601 and Merlin is 3.3.2.

    As per previous posts I have set DHCP options and Merlin ignores these and instead seems to just look for WDM server (not WMS) so just fails.

    There is now a note when I create the job in WMS that says;

    “WDA is required to retain connectivity to WMS. Follow the instructions on support to create a custom image which contains WDA”

    I thought this had been added to help people in my situation, alas no. The link in the note doesn’t take me anywhere useful (just points to https://www.dell.com/support/home/en-uk/product-support/product/wyse-wms/docs where there is no immediately obvious relevant document or note and a search yields nothing with any guidance or instructions for custom images).

    So I am still no further on with this. Why do I need to create a custom image anyway? I’ve downloaded the files from Dell directly so why don’t they just work, and why can’t anyone tell me how to simply apply an update using the tools provided by Dell? If I wanted to create custom images I wouldn’t have picked Dell products and used the Dell Wyse Management Suite.

    Jim Lathan
    • Total Post: 314
    • Jacked into The Matrix
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    I recently went through this myself.

    Now that you have upgraded your WMS server before updating your WDA on the device you will have to manually install using admin login. I used WDA_14.5.5.5_Unified.exe

    With the device able to talk with WMS 3.5, I was able to push MerlinPackage_Common401_rev4.exe from WMS.

    I went further and was able to then push a 5060 that had WES 7 to Windows 10 IOT. You might not be able to go to Windows 10 IOT if your device was not purchased with upgrade rights.

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