Push Windows Security Patch to WES using WMS

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    we have a lot of Windows Embedded devices registered with WMS (Cloud), is there a way to push a specific Windows Security patch using WMS? these devices are not joined to domain so now way I can push updates with GPO.


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    Yes, you can push nearly every software package using WMS.
    Upload the eg. .msi package to WMS and use the App Policy to install it.
    Make sure to use the correct installation switches to install the package silently.


    • Total Post: 36
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    I have done some Windows update patch deployments via WMS and I was not impressed.  I had to deploy a cumulative security update last summer to a bunch of WES clients that were randomly blue-screening after deployments from WMS.  This update was about 1GB in size.  Total time for download and installation of this update was 3+ hours!  Probably one hour of that was download and 2 hours was install.  If you do this, always make sure to include a reboot post-install because, if you don’t and one is needed, you will find your client stuck in a loop of trying to finish the install on every boot up, which will at least in part eat up some write filter cache, if not use it completely.  If you have repository servers close to your clients, I would seriously consider just updating a master image come patch time and push that out to all the clients, it will probably install faster!

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