Possible to rename WMS server?

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  • #105253
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    • Newbie

    I deployed WMS 3.2 on Win2019 server on prem (stand-alone, not domain joined).  Server resides in DMZ and is accessible from internal and external clients (Wyse 5070 ThinOS 9.1). Server name is ‘wyse’.
    Internal clients communicate with WMS server at “https://wyse.mydomain.com” and MQTT server at “tcp://wyse:1883” (‘A’ record added to internal DNS).
    External clients are unable to resolve “wyse”.  How can I change the MQTT server value? I was thinking of changing the server hostname to wyse.mydomain.com – is this possible?  Or do I need to build a new box with that name?  Or is there a better way to resolve?

    Thank you.

    • Total Post: 10696
    • Jedi Master
    • ★★★★★★★

    Check the Portal Administration – Setup. Do you have the option to define the names here?
    I think it is a Pro feature.
    If not, you would have to modify it in the database.


    [email protected]
    • Total Post: 2
    • Newbie

    I have the same Problem. Where do I find the Servername and Identifer in the Mongo DB  ?


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