Poor performance after switching to WMS.

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  • Author
  • #107021
    Jim Lathan
    • Total Post: 314
    • Jacked into The Matrix
    • ★★★★★★

    I switched from wdm to wms and immediately noticed that the performance dropped a lot. Noticeable lags and scrolling appeared in the browser. Please tell me what to do with it)) Thin client model 3020, firmware 8.6_412. Windows operating systems 2012 and 2016, protocol Direct RDP and RDS Farm.

    On 3040 ThinOS 8.6_807 clients, performance also decreased, not as much as on 3020, but…
    If reset to factory settings and do not add to the group, performance is back to normal.

    Jim Lathan
    • Total Post: 314
    • Jacked into The Matrix
    • ★★★★★★

    Post a copy of your policy.

    Jim Lathan
    • Total Post: 314
    • Jacked into The Matrix
    • ★★★★★★


    I would appreciate any help. My Policy)

    General Settings (8.5+)13 items configured
    Auto Power Settings
    Auto Power = No
    Locale Settings
    Load the language file = No
    System Language = English
    Locale file name = — No Selections Available —
    Font file name = — No Selections Available —
    Mirror File Server
    Mirror File Server = Yes
    Terminal Settings
    Terminal Name = Dell_$UN
    Terminal Reboot = No
    Inactive = 0
    No Session Timer = 0
    Audio Settings (8.6+)
    Configure Audio settings = No
    WMS Agent Settings
    Enable Reminder = No
    Mouse Settings (8.6+)
    Configure Mouse settings = No
    ∨General Settings12 items configured
    Configuration Item = Value
    Sign-on Settings
    Default User Name = $UN
    Domain Name = ys.local
    Remember last username at logoff = Yes, both username and domain
    Disable Domain Field (8.5+) = No
    Domain List (8.5+) = ys.local;local.doys.ru;kums.adm
    Remember last username and/or domain at reboot/shutdown = Yes
    Manually Set TimeZone = Yes
    TimeZone = GMT+11:00 – Chokurdakh (RTZ 10)
    Enable Daylight Savings = No
    Date Format (8.5+) = dd/mm/yyyy
    Time Format (8.5+) = 24-hour format
    Time Servers =;
    ∨Security33 items configured
    Configuration Item = Value
    Sign-on Settings
    Require domain login = Yes
    Disable guest users = Yes
    Require reentering password = No
    Require smartcard = No
    Icon Group Style = Default
    Privilege Settings
    Privilege level = High
    Admin Mode
    Enable Admin Mode = No
    General Settings
    Enable Gkey reset = No
    Enable Trace = No
    Remove Certificate (8.5+) = No
    Auto-install Certificates = Yes
    Certificates = ADMYS-Root-CA.cer
    Disable ThinPrint Service = Yes
    Encrypt local flash = Yes
    Disable VNC Shadowing = No
    Fast Disconnect Key = No
    Security Policy
    Security Policy (8.5+) = Warning
    TLSCheckCN (8.6+) = Yes
    Secured Network Protocol (8.5+) = No
    TLS Minimum Version (8.5+) = TLS 1.0
    TLS Maximum Version (8.5+) = TLS 1.2
    DNS File Server Discover (8.5+) = No
    VNC Settings
    Enable VNC = Yes
    VNC Password = •••
    Encrypt Password (8.5+) = Yes
    Max Concurrent VNC (8.5+) = 0
    Zlib Compresssion (8.5+) = No
    Prompt user on start = No
    Prompt user on end = No
    View only = No
    Force 8bit = No
    WDM Service
    Disable WDM Service = Yes
    Quick Mode (8.5+) = Yes
    ∨Keyboard Settings (8.5+)12 items configured
    Configuration Item = Value
    Keyboard Settings (8.5+)
    Character Set = ISO 8859-1(Latin1)
    Keyboard Layout = English (United States)
    Keyboard Repeat Delay = 1/3 Second
    Keyboard Repeat Rate = Normal
    Key Sequence = Yes
    Ctrl-Alt-Del = Yes
    Ctrl-Alt-Up = No
    Ctrl-Alt-Down = No
    Ctrl-Alt-Left = No
    Ctrl-Alt-Right = No
    Win + L = Yes
    Alt-Tab = No
    ∨Display18 items configured
    Configuration Item = Value
    Monitor Display Settings
    Monitors = Enable dual monitors
    Monitor Mode = Span Mode
    Main Screen = Screen 1
    Alignment = Bottom
    Layout (8.5+) = Landscape
    Taskbar (8.5+) = MainScreen
    Auto detect monitors (8.5+) = Yes
    Desktop Color Depth = 16-bit
    Primary Monitor Settings
    Monitor Resolution = DDC
    Monitor Rotation = None
    Secondary Monitor Settings
    Monitor Resolution (8.5+) = DDC
    Monitor Rotation (8.5+) = None
    Multi-Touch (8.6+)
    Multi-touch = No
    Screen Saver Settings
    Screensaver (8.5+) = 15
    Lock the terminal (8.5+) = 0
    Screen Saver Type (8.5+) = Turn Screen Off
    Sleep (8.5+) = 60
    Use Hours instead of Minutes (8.6+) = No
    ∨Visual Experience7 items configured
    Configuration Item = Value
    Desktop Appearance
    Desktop Color (8.6+) = #106424
    Desktop Wallpaper = DELL default wallpaper (8.6+)
    Company Logo = No
    EULA at login = No
    Visual Experience
    Classic Desktop vs Zero Launchpad = Classic Desktop
    Action after All Sessions Exit = Sign-off automatically
    Sign-off counter (8.6+) = 10
    ∨Schedule Shutdown/Reboot (8.5+)7 items configured
    Configuration Item = Value
    Schedule Shutdown/Reboot (8.5+)
    Scheduled Reboot = No
    Scheduled Shutdown = Yes
    Idle Time = 30
    Shutdown Time = 0,75
    Shutdown End = 0,833333333333333
    Days = Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
    Week = 0
    ∨Firmware Upgrade10 items configured
    Configuration Item = Value
    Firmware Upgrade
    Firmware Update Logic = Any different firmware
    5010 = ZD10_wnos-8.6_807
    Skip Local Firmware Check (See warning in description) = Yes
    Disable Live Upgrade = Yes
    3020 = T10D_wnos-8.5_024
    3040 = A10Q_wnos-8.6_807
    Enable BIOS Upgrade = Yes
    BIOS File = A10Q_bios.bin-1.2.5
    Verify Signature = No
    Enable Package Upgrade (8.6_017+) = No
    ∨Global Session Settings15 items configured
    Configuration Item = Value
    Local Resources
    Map Printers = Yes
    Map Serials = Yes
    Map SmartCards = Yes
    Map Sound = Yes
    Map Disks = No
    Disks Read Only = No
    Enable USB Redirection = Redirect all USB devices
    Display on desktop (8.6+) = All
    Enable Allowlist or Disable Blocklist = Do not enable allowlist or blocklist
    Advanced Settings
    Reconnect After Disconnect = 0
    Multi-Monitor = Yes
    Turn Compression off = No
    Optimize for low link speed = No
    Full Screen Mode = Yes
    Fast Disconnect Key = No
    ∨Microsoft RDP Settings15 items configured
    Configuration Item = Value
    Basic Settings
    Enable NLA = Yes
    Enable Recording = No
    Force Updated NLA = No
    RDP8 Settings
    Bitmap Codec RemoteFX = No
    Enable TS MM = No
    Force Span = No
    RemoteFX graphic channel = No
    UDP Traffic Channel = Yes
    Video Optimized VOR = Yes
    Advanced Settings
    USB Redirection Technology = TCX
    Color depth = 16bits
    Maximum Bitmap Cache = 1024
    4 pixel Aligned Session Width = No
    Auto-Detect Network = Yes
    Enable RDP H.264 = Yes

    Jim Lathan
    • Total Post: 314
    • Jacked into The Matrix
    • ★★★★★★

    I downgraded the 3020 firmware to 8.5_024 and the performance is good. Firmware 8.6+ does not work well on 3020, possibly due to settings.

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