persistant domainname

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  • #999
    • Total Post: 16
    • Regular Joe
    • ★★

    we are using s10 clients with firmware 5.3.19f in combination with the citrix program neigbourhood. Half of our clients are placed in a network with FTP server for wtos and wnos.ini and the other half is placed in outside networks without acces to any FTP server. Before deployement in the outside network we hookup the clients to the FTP server for wtos 5.3.19f updates and wnos.ini. After this we disconnect them and manually configure the network settings to work in the outside network.
    In wnos.ini i configured a persistent domainname in the logonscreen like this:

    Seamless=yes HideTaskBar=No
    PnliteServer= ReconnectAtLogon=2

    This works fine for all clients who are able to connect to the FTP server, outside clients who are not able to connect to a FTP server are losing the Domainlist=ourdomain setting. Is this setting lost in the volatile memory?
    Is there a way to store this setting in the non volatile memory?

    • Total Post: 1649
    • Jacked into The Matrix
    • ★★★★★★


    Try using “EnableLocal=Yes” and see if this works. Also you could place the wnos.ini in a Web server and use http to manage the devices – this is much better than sending them out with no management.

    Do you have a http or https service you could use for this? In the File Server path add “” and in the web server place the WNOS folder under wwwroot.


    • Total Post: 16
    • Regular Joe
    • ★★

    We have enablelocal=yes in our ini.
    The option to put the wnos directory on a webserver is a very interesting one but sadly our outside network is not connected with an open internet connection.
    I think i’ll have to manage that ftp traffic is possible over our vpn connections wich is not that desirable cause if we put some new firmware on our ftp server and our outside locations are starting up at the beginning of the workday they will jam our thin vpn connections with heavy wtos and wnos traffic i think.
    Thnkzz anyway for ur suggestions!

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