Package registration failed…

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  • #697
    • Total Post: 10
    • Regular Joe
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    I need HELP! 🙁
    I’m unable to find anything about my problem…

    I have rapport 4.4.1 in one environment with only thin clients WT9650XE. I’m trying to pull an image. It does not work. I was able to get the image from another Wyse server with 9650XE and S90 on WDM 4.5.1.

    I created the RSP file. I followed the procedure to import/export packages: right-click on Images, New, Package. Enter the path for the RSP file, click next, next, and it begins the “registering packages”. At 50%, it stops and I have that error message:
    Unable to write to FTP Repository

    I click OK and I have this:
    Package registration failed due to the following reason:
    Unable to write to Master FTP Repository.

    I think both errors are linked (unable to pull images and to register a package).

    The user RAPPORT is local admin
    The user I login with is admin of Rapport 4.4.1
    I’m able to push image from Rapport 4.4.1

    Any ideas?

    • Total Post: 1649
    • Jacked into The Matrix
    • ★★★★★★

    Hi Villy,

    On the Rapport 4.4.1 server there will be a local account called “Rapport” under the users and groups console (not in the Rapport console)

    Set this account to never expire and change the password.

    Now open the Rapport console, locate the Software Repositories node and in the properties of the Master Repository set the password to the same as the one you just used and click OK.

    Right click on the Master Repository and select “Test Connection” and is should say OK.

    You issue is Rapport can not ftp to the local ftp server where the images are kept,


    • Total Post: 10
    • Regular Joe
    • ★★

    hi thinkthin!

    the user RAPPORT is there. The password is OK. when I go in software repository and I test the connection, it’s successfull.

    when I login, i’m local admin… the user RAPPORT is local admin.

    is there another way to get the image? I have the thin client, I need that image in my 4.4.1 environment.

    Is it a corruption in the application itself? in Rapport 4.4.1?

    I’m a desperate lady!

    • Total Post: 74
    • Back Stage Pass
    • ★★★★

    If you are using an existing package to register, be sure that you have write permissions and free space to register the package.

    Also, When you register package it first writes a crc.txt file to the source folder and needs permission to do so. This may fail if registering from a network path. or readonly file.


    • Total Post: 10
    • Regular Joe
    • ★★

    hello again!

    I have enouph space. I have full rights. My users (Rapport and the one I log with) are local administrators. And I’m still having that message: unable to write to FTP Repository.

    If it’s a corruption in the application Rapport 4.4.1, can I just reinstall everything?

    • Total Post: 96
    • Back Stage Pass
    • ★★★★

    I would recommend trying to upload something to the FTP server using the Rapport user and a third party FTP client. If the permissions are not set up properly on your FTP server, even a local administrator can get denied access to the files.

    That will verify that the problem isn’t with transferring the files to the FTP server and allow you to concentrate your efforts elsewhere. Just make sure you’re using the Rapport user and not your account, as it will do the FTP of the image as Rapport, not the person logged in and running the application.

    Testing the Master Repository is great, but I believe all that does is log in and make sure it can access the repository. It doesn’t test uploading or downloading. So, while it is a great tool, it won’t help you test permissions that are actually applied to your FTP server.

    If you do find problems, let us know and we can help you figure it out! If not, well, let us know that too!

    • Total Post: 10
    • Regular Joe
    • ★★

    hello again!

    Little update about my problem.

    I noticed that the user RAPPORT is able to create the package directory and the .I2D file. It gave me the error “Unable to Write to FTP Repository” at maybe 25% of the process of registration.

    I supposed it’s 25% because my .I2D file is about 75Mo for an image of 256Mo.

    thanks again!

    • Total Post: 1649
    • Jacked into The Matrix
    • ★★★★★★


    Where is the RSP and file you are importing, on a local drive to the server or a network drive/CDROM?


    • Total Post: 10
    • Regular Joe
    • ★★


    My .RSP file and my image are on the local drive. I make sure my CRC.TXT files are not there. I deleted the directory it’s creating when you import the package. The user Rapport is local administrator. So, it should have access everywhere on the server. I reset the Rapport password to the default.

    I was able to import the same image in another environment. so, it’s not an image problem.

    And like I write before, in my defect environment, I’m not able to “get an image from a device”. It crashed.

    I need that image, but I think I won’t be able to import it. What should I do? It’s an 4.4.1 environment with Entreprise licenses on a VM with Windows 2000. Can I reinstall the apps? Is there any tools to test if the BD is OK?

    a desperate and no more very wyse lady!

    • Total Post: 10
    • Regular Joe
    • ★★

    Hello again!

    finally get it work. How? I really don’t know 😳

    Touch of god maybe…

    Thanks again!

    • Total Post: 10696
    • Jedi Master
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    There is always a lot between 0 and 1

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