Optiplex 3000 MAC Address label gone

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  • #107835
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    We just recieved 50 pcs new Optiplex 3000 and noticed that Dell does not put a barcode with the MAC address on the boxes anymore. Not even on the physical client you can see it.

    We need to register the MAC address to add it to the correct vlan on our network.

    Now it seems that we have to boot up every client to find the MAC, which seems quite stupid. Who came up with that “great” idea in Dell to remove that, when rebranding Dell 5070 to Optiplex ?  🙁

    Jim Lathan
    • Total Post: 314
    • Jacked into The Matrix
    • ★★★★★★

    I agree, having that information printed on the device is handy. When ordering always make sure Dell knows you want that information, they can send it to you when your devices are shipped. Keep in mind that you must ask for it when you order.


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