Newbie Printing Queries

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  • #5705
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    • Newbie


    I’m currently doing an evaluation of XenDesktop 4.

    I’ve got a couple of V10L (and also V50L) terminals on trial.

    I’ve got XenDesktop up and running and can connect quite happily from my terminals.

    I’m a bit confused about printing though. I’ve been scouring wyse and citrix information and looking through the forums but I still seem to have a hard of understanding problem 🙁

    I thought network printers would be easy – just import my print server into my citrix environment and map the printers as session printers, but they don’t seem to map and a reply to my post on the citrix forums seems to suggest you must have the driver for each printer you have installed in your vdisk image….

    I’m struggling as well to understand how to get local printers to work under the v10L (or indeed the v50l) and then how this is passed over into the citrix environment.

    Does anyone have (or is willing to provide) a good newbie explanation of how printing works?



    • Total Post: 10696
    • Jedi Master
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    The Citrix forum are correct. You need the printer drivers in the virtual session.
    Local printer drivers are not needed. It doesn’t matter if you are using locally attached printers or network printers. THe drivers are always install in the session.
    For WTOS (V10L) you would have to define the local printer as follows:
    – Port -> select either LPT1 or USB
    – Printer Name -> enter anything you like. This will become visible in the session
    – Printer Identification -> enter the EXACT printer driver name as used in the session
    – Printer Class -> just used for ThinPrint
    – Check “Enable the Printer Device”

    That’s it. If the Printer ID is entered correctly then the printer will be autocreated in the session the next you are logging in.


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