New ThinOS 9.1.4234 issues

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  • #106396
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    Hi everybody,

    A new ThinOS 9.1.4234 was released today

    I’ve started to test it, and already facing an issue :

    After updating 3 wyse 3040 and one 5470 (previously in 9.1.3129)  all devices lose their host name !

    Happily, doing the update to one device each time, I was able to put the name back immediately in WMS, but I can’t imagine pushing this update to my +100s Wyse 3040 and my 40s Wyse 5470

    Anybody also testing this ThinOs 9.1.4234 and got this issue ?

    Any other issue maybe ?


    • Total Post: 55
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    A little disapointing update to my previous post :

    After putting back the correct names with WMS, after several minutes or after a reboot the devices lose their host name again…

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    It’s as if Dell doesn’t test anything before rolling out new firmware..

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    We use Horizon View (7.13 server side).

    On ThinOS 9.1 (previous version and this release) after 90 minutes the Virtual Desktop freezes. The Eventlog says it has connected to the desktop. ThinClient does not hang, only the session.

    Issue is under investigation with Dell right now.

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    This may not be your issue but it sounds like something i have seen a long time ago, just throwing this out there. At one time a default behaior was , whatever host name the unit had when it first checked into DHCP it would then retain , even if you changed it. The fix was to disable DHCP option 12. Currently this would go in advanced settings in WMS as DHCPOptionsRemap=yes DisableOption12=yes .. Research first to see thats your problem. I think if you clear a units DHCP lease.. then change name and this new name is now the one it keeps reverting to.. that may signal its your issue.

    • Total Post: 55
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    Hi and thank you for your answer @WyseVet

    So in WMS I disabled the DHCP Option 12, rename my device, I saw the new name in the DHCP

    I reboot the device, but then the device got his default name back , and as seen also in the DHCP…

    So that was a good idea, but unfortunately that doesn’t work

    I maybe did something wrong…

    I will also try tomorrow to fully erase my 3040 and reinstall the OS 9.1.4234 with the merlin image

    • Total Post: 24
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    @ehorstingUGT – are you folks seeing that issue with PCoIP or Blast?

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    We use BLAST.

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