Migrating WDM 5.7.2

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  • #107678
    • Total Post: 4
    • Newbie

    We are looking to move our WDM 5.7.2 server from Windows 2012r2 to Windows 2016


    is there a guide to migrate the system onto new hardware – we will be changing the IP address and the terminals will be logging onto a new RDS farm


    Any help much appreciated

    Jason Rogers



    Jim Lathan
    • Total Post: 314
    • Jacked into The Matrix
    • ★★★★★★

    Why not move to the supported platform Wyse Management Suite?

    • Total Post: 4
    • Newbie

    Thanks Jim – quick question – is there an easy way to reset the  rapport DB password – the WMS import routine is just stuck validating – not sure of the password as system was configured prior to my joining

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