MariaDB missing

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  • #105389
    • Total Post: 7
    • Newbie

    Hello all,

    I am somewhat new to all this as our original Wyse administrator left, he left with us on WMS version 2.0, as a heads up.

    This morning (Monday, 5/17*2020) I tried logging into our WMS console and was greeted with an error: “Page can’t be displayed, please check to make sure the address is correct”

    I logged into the server through RDP and noticed that Dell WMS MariaDB service was stopped (as was tomcat). When I tried to start Mariadb I got the error: “could not start, system could not find the specified file.”

    I started digging into automatic MS updates, and it appears the server rebooted on the 14th to apply a security update. I have since then uninstalled the update and still got the errors.

    Looking in the path where MariaDB should be, it does not exist. All the others are there but it appears in the Dell/WMS folder, there is no MariaDB. Not sure how this happened and unsure where to go from here, I tried just updating to 2.1, 3.0 but got errors with both of those as well. In the error log it says:

    2021-5-17 T13:52:48::CustomFunctions::1321::Completed Action: InstallFeatureFiles
    2021-5-17 T13:52:51::Upgrade::1322:: /c “C:\Program Files\DELL\WMS\Install\bin\MigrateDB.bat” 4.6.8 stratus *** 3306 localhost stratus *** 27017 localhost
    2021-5-17 T13:53:01::Upgrade::1330::Database migration script execution returned: 1
    2021-5-17 T13:53:11::Upgrade::312::Database migration failed, hence restoring…

    IT D
    • Total Post: 4
    • Newbie

    Had the same issue.  Fixed this by installing same version of WMS on test server.  Then copying over MariaDB folder from test server to production server.  After that both services started right up.

    • Total Post: 7
    • Newbie

    My man! That worked, I am so happy I do not have to start from scratch. I have taken a snapshot this time and will continue to do so before any updates!


    Thanks again!

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