Local audio error

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  • #105421
    • Total Post: 37
    • Frequent Flyer
    • ★★★

    Audio error  If I change equipment on a thin client or I log on to an active session on another thin client the local sound very often stops working. The sound and camera can work in Teams, but sound from YouTube does not work. The only workaround I have found is to reset the client to factory default. Then it is OK until the next time you change equipment or log on to an active session. Is there a fix or a setting for this? ThinOS 9.1.2101 Bios 1.2.5 Citrix

    • Total Post: 259
    • Jacked into The Matrix
    • ★★★★★★

    When the sound stops working does the Citrix Audio Service stop running on the Windows Machine?  You can run services.msc and see what’s running. There would also be an event log entry usually for faulting application ctxaudio or something to that effect.

    What version of the Citrix VDA are you running on the desktops? Are these VM’s or physical desktops or both?

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