Issues with pushing and pulling Win10 images

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  • #107950
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    Hi Guys,


    I have a bit of a odd problem here you might be able to help with, I am currently trying to get out Network imaging working for our 5070’s to stop our build guys haveing to rely on USB Sticks.

    I am unable to push or pull a image from or two a client, I have so far done the following:

    1) Updated Merlin to the latest version available.

    2) Updated the BIOS to the latest version available.

    3) Issued a NEW self signed cert to the local repository

    4) Checked our DHCP config for any obvious issues.


    When the client recives the push or pull command it reboots and starts the process but it errors out with the following:


    WMS File Repository server not found (error code : 105)

    Repository validation

    Could not connect the repository server

    Check the network connection/authentication


    We have ran wireshark captures and it looks like insted of going to port 443 it’s going to port 8080, I can do anything else with the client just not push or pull images, the certificate is valid, the client is able to see and communicate with the server it’s just not able to connect.


    This is only effecting Windows based devices, our 3040’s seem to be ineffected as I can get them to upgrade from older versions of ThinOS to newer ones.


    I have found one post here that seems to be simmilar but it’s a bight light on the details of what I need to change or look for to change.


    I’ve been banging my head into this for everal weeks now and it’s driving me bonkers trying to work it out so any suggestions are welcome at this point.

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