Is anyone actually happy with ThinOS 9.1?

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    We have been testing ThinOS 9.1 in VMWare Horizon environment and it has been quite a disaster so far…

    So many bugs and issues…

    • Laborious, error-prone upgrade process, even between minor versions or packages (zillions of reboots, sometimes re-imaging via USB is needed etc.
    • Configuration management / upgrades via WMS are super temperamental (sometimes it works, sometimes boxes are getting stuck on old packages/config version for whatever reason)
    • Connecting to the broker hardly works first time, users need to keep trying to get this thing to connect, otherwise they get weird connection errors / black screen etc. (our network is fine, other client devices ‘just work’ using the same ethernet port)
    • Sleep functionality seems to be completely borked – there is a good chance device will never wake up (forcing you to dive under the desk). If it does wake up, frequently network/internal state gets messed up (impossible to re-connect, weird errors, etc), so restart is needed anyway. As a result, we completely gave up on sleep and turned it off.
    • The ‘lockscreen’ a Feature From Hell. There is a good chance for crash/freeze as you invoke it, it leaks your password as you type it in the password textbox (keyboard input in some scenarios gets redirected to the session running ‘behind’ the lockscreen), and in some releases you could not even use password with ‘&’ character in it… (instant crash / freeze in such case)
    • Random, spontaneous crashes, freezes and disconnections are often a daily experience
    • There is a weird slowness in the UI, elements sometimes take rather long to draw (you can literally see text boxes, buttons etc. being drawn on the screen, 1980s style..), sometimes drawing of UI elements does not even finish, leaving you with half-broke windows on the screen and so on.

    Things got as little big better with the MR2 release, but most of the above still applies to the latest version.

    We very much like the concept, overall design and philosophy of ThinOS 9.1, but it does feel like the execution is, let’s say it politely, ‘lacking’.

    We have been raising all of the above with Dell, but without much progress and feedback and their release process is super rigid (only 3 releases per year or so) – way too rigid, considering how many problems the software seems to have (these are the types of bugs which should be squashed FAST).

    Not sure if these problems are something specific to our env / hardware (we are on 5070)? I am having hard time to believe that Dell would release software to the customers in such dramatically bad state (at least without clearly marking it alpha/beta), so it feels like we must be doing something wrong here…

    Is anyone actually enjoying successful and problem-free ThinOS 9.1 rollout?

    • Total Post: 12
    • Regular Joe
    • ★★

    Hello Luu,

    We also have the problems with Thin Os 9. The Dell support is  a disaster.

    I don’t see a future without Thomas and Technicalhelp :-(.

    • Total Post: 20
    • Regular Joe
    • ★★

    I must say that the experience is not statisfying so far.

    The first boot (with version 9.1.1131 with Display port screens) feels like nothing happens has the screen show nothing…

    The subsequent startup takes ages,

    I also find the “slowness” of the interface quite confusing (seems like you connect through a slow rate connection).

    Using the Wyse with RDP, I do not see what the 9.1 version brings, but downgrading to version 8.6 is a hassle, so I guess I will have to stick with it.

    To be fair, once updated to 9.1.3112, I do not have any major problems.

    But I agree that the announcement that Thomas will no longuer handle the site is a very bad news. This site is so helpful.

    • Total Post: 12
    • Regular Joe
    • ★★

    Hi Vdeble,

    how many devices have you updated to Thin Os 9.1.3112 ?

    I think most of the problems with Vmware and MFA in conjunction with Thin Os 9.



    • Total Post: 20
    • Regular Joe
    • ★★


    At the moment I have installed 4 3040 that had 9.1.1131 installed, and migrated 3 3040 that had 8.6 version.

    I only use RDP (via Broker and Direct), so I do not know about issues with other types of sessions.

    • Total Post: 12
    • Regular Joe
    • ★★


    Better you install more than 4 to see the Problems is many luck!



    • Total Post: 18
    • Regular Joe
    • ★★

    nothing but problems…

    • Total Post: 9
    • Regular Joe
    • ★★

    We are very happy (and stable) with 9.1.2101. All 5070’s running 9.1.2101, citrix workspace & Teams pkg. Seems to be very stable although we do have the occasional device that forgets to check-in to WMS, loses its settings and the validate key button needs to be pressed. I think this was addressed in 9.1.3 but due to the upgrade bug we only have a dozen or so running the latest version.  We had seen a LOT of issues with 9.0 but by 9.1.2 most of them were addressed.

    • Total Post: 10
    • Regular Joe
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    We are on 8.6_807 and that works well. All of my testing with 9.1 has been nothing but problems. Sorry this just doesn’t seem ready for prime time. Taking away the wnos options also doesn’t sit well with me. I reported the bugs I’ve found to Dell but we dont plan to move to version 9 anytime soon.

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    • Newbie

    Our problems have been odd however we also use horizon and that part seemed to work well for us, logins always work.

    We have issues with the following which is stopping us from rolling out to production which is currently on 8.6_807 and all 3040 type

    • Thin client renames the terminal to be all caps, this effects our SCEP cert as the mapping for 802.1x to use the cert is using $TN and it wont use the cert because the host name is caps but the cert on the client is in lowercase. (i am aware there is a setting to make the terminal name caps, this is not on in any group)
    • We cant move 9.1 devices to other groups that arent the default group. we have a few groups, all works fine with 8.6 OS but with 9.1 OS if we move a device to a different group on restart its back in the default group, somehow.
    • when getting a cert from the SCEP server it puts scep_admin in front of the cert for some reason, doesnt happen on 8.6 but on 9.1 the CN will be scep_admin$tn.pfx very odd

    otherwise the performance when everything works is actually great for us, its just to get to that point requires a bit of manual work which means upgrading to prod just isnt really an option until more of it can be automated.

    • Total Post: 275
    • Jacked into The Matrix
    • ★★★★★★


    Just keeping an eye on 9.1. Not thrilling so far

    First of all I have a lot (~80) 5010/D10D which are shamelessly not eligible. So I’ll be on 8.6 for a few years. Maybe for good after all.

    We’re on barebone RDP and I understand this is not Dell’s top priority. ThinOS 9 RDP has less features than 8.6. In particular does not support USB Camera mapping (like W10 does) nor low level redirection (like ThinOS 8.6 does).

    Plus some small  drawbacks :

    – Booting takes ages.

    – Have to revert to classic GUI. because of that annoying left bar popup.

    – There’s still no customized icons

    So, sticking to 8.6 for now..

    I guess the most read thread is “How to downgrade from 9 to 8”..

    • Total Post: 12
    • Regular Joe
    • ★★

    Hello Sixlip,

    We are currently in the process of setting up x802.1 with an NDES Server Thin OS 8.6_303 . You have tips for us and you have followed the instructions of Mr. Möllerbrend Manuel from This Site ? Wich Way ist the best over Webinterface or Groupini ?


    best Regards




    • Total Post: 6
    • Newbie

    Hi Jones,

    We used SCEP for many other devices already so when implementing this we just used the same certificate template we use for those devices and didn’t follow the guide on this site, looking over it the way this is done is similar to our setup but our CA is on a separate server to the NDES Server.

    We went with the web interface and had no issues with it. We do have an issue where the certificates are not auto-renewing, that seems to be a common bug people report, we are yet to figure out why.

    • Total Post: 275
    • Jacked into The Matrix
    • ★★★★★★

    Figures for 3040 :

    ThinOS 8.6 booting time : 25 Seconds. Dell logo at screen.

    ThinOS 9.1  Booting time : 51 seconds (!). In fact the worst part is a 26 Seconds w/ a totally black screen.

    Given the fact the the power led is white and not exactly bright (was bright blue on 5010 / D10D), the power status maybe hard hard to figure out for sure. So, you press again…shutting the damn thing down.

    (BTW, our 20 first 5070s (from late 2018) power LED are defect. They are very very dimmed from the beginning.  After sending an item in Asia for analysis, they admitted the problem and provided new LEDs )


    • Total Post: 275
    • Jacked into The Matrix
    • ★★★★★★
    • Lack of proper RDP camera redirection in ThinOS 9
    • A long story of different audio redirection problem in ThinOS 8
    • The hard-to-swallow obsolescence of recently purchased 5060 who are not eligible to ThinOS 9

    drive me to the decision to freeze ThinOS  for now. New purchase will be Windows 10 clients (not IoT, full W10 in which I will be able to install Zoom, Teams, whatever)

    I’ll keep an eye on ThinOS 9, but I can’t wait anymore for a proper implementation of RDP audio/video redirection. I understand that RDP is the lowest priority to Dell and hope this will not be an industrial accident for Dell/Wyse



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