ThinOS 8.6 – ICA Connexions – Desktop Scale Factor

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  • #105144
    • Total Post: 275
    • Jacked into The Matrix
    • ★★★★★★


    Within the Global Parameters / RDP, I can adjust the “Desktop scale Factor”, which is a  requirement for High-DPI screens. Otherwise everything is too tiny.

    Where is that option for ICA connections ?

    • Total Post: 10696
    • Jedi Master
    • ★★★★★★★

    This is not supported for ICA


    • Total Post: 275
    • Jacked into The Matrix
    • ★★★★★★

    Ouch !

    Is the “Scale” factor made available inside the Remote session then (just like it was in W2008) ?

    That’s big news, to me.

    I thought that primary targets for Wyse was ICA clients. This is questioning me about who is using Wyses and for what purposes.

    Not having Desktop Scale factor would have been a total and definitive no-go to pursue our VDI environment.

    Modern screens with decent dpi density (Such as 27″ 2560*1440) make things too small for most people w/o scaling.

    I manage ~90 users (over RDP). Dual 24″ ou 27″.  Almost all of them found much comfortable to scale at 125%.

    Now that they are roaming their RDS session between laptops and Wyses, the automated scaling of Windows 2019 RDS, taken from the client, is a real benefit compared to the previously fixed scaling set inside the session (Windows 2008).


    • Total Post: 275
    • Jacked into The Matrix
    • ★★★★★★

    Would be nice to have statistics about shares of the different protocols (ICA/RDP/PCoIP/) .

    Dell Wyse is putting more resources  toward ICA (hence ThinOS9 who was ICA only at the beginning) but what if RDP is actually the most used protocol ?

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