I can’t bypass RD Gateway in Wyse 3040 – ThinOS 9.1

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  • #106121
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    Hi everyone,

    this is my first post on the ConfGen forum, being a fan of his config generation tools as well as Wyse, I claim his forum will be the perfect place to find help.

    To explain the situation, when configuring my Wyse via WMS it turns out that when opening a session the system tries to go through the RD Gateway, however in my associated policy group I have well disable the RD Gateway.

    In the session parameters, the RD Gateway is indeed disabled. No matter how much I restart the session, it tries to go through the RD Gateway and ends up failing.

    The way I found to start a session is to go to the properties of the remote desktop then activate the RD Gateway manually and then desactivate it again. And there it works. The concern being that each time you restart the wyse or the user session the problem comes back.

    With ThinOS 8.6, it was possible to add a config line to solve this problem: SessionConfig = RDP TSGWEnable = no

    I imagine that I am not the only one to have encountered this problem.

    Thank you in advance for your help.

    Matthieu R.

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    • Newbie

    After different tests, this issue work with WTOS 9.1.2101 but not with 9.1.3 and later.

    Do you have an idea?

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