HP Laserjet USB causes Trap Data abort

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  • #52776
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    Plugging in USB printers – HP LaserJet Pro M479fdw and  LaserJet Pro MFP M428fdw – immediately crashes all of our Wyse devices I tested, giving a “Trap: Data abort” I tested on a few 3010, 3020 and 5040 AIO and 5213 AIO. On older Wyse firmware (8.2, I think is what worked), the printer does not crash the Wyse. But any more recent firmware (8.5 and up, even the brand new 8.6_412), which I need to connect to my environment, the devices all immediately crash. Leaving the printer plugged in will actually prevent the Wyse from even booting up. Even if I reset to factory default, and don’t have any configuration loaded, it will still immediately crash when I plug in the USB. I tested an older Samsung printer, and it worked great. Detected it and everything. The new HP devices are a no-go, though. I have a user with an older HP LaserJet Pro MFP M426fdw, and that one does NOT crash her Wyse. If anyone has any advice to get these newer HP devices to work with the newer Wyse firmware, I’d be very grateful. I really would like to stick with HP printers, but this is a dealbreaker.

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    You should definitely report this back to Dell support.


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    • Newbie

    I unfortunately don’t have support anymore for the devices. I wonder if there’s a way I could still notify them so they can fix the firmware for others in the future. It does seem to be a major problem.

    I do have a bit of a workaround. I can set up the printer using LPD. I just wanted to avoid that, because it is for someone’s home setup, and I don’t have control of their IP addresses, etc. I’d like to avoid going into anyone’s house due to COVID, so I wanted it to just be a simple USB plug in. With LPD, I need to set up the printer on their network, with static IP, etc. I’ll just have to go into his house, I guess.

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