How to update BIOS

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  • #50480
    • Total Post: 5
    • Newbie

    I recently downloaded the 8.6.024 BIOS Package (definitely BIOS, not ThinOS) from Dell. The instructions say:

    Installing the BIOS package using FTP server
    1. Download the Dell BIOS file.
    For example, Wyse_5040_1.1.3.bin.
    2. Rename the Dell BIOS file to AIO10G_bios.bin.
    3. Upload the renamed BIOS file to the WNOS folder in the file server, ftp or https.
    4. Ensure that the INI parameter autoload is enabled (Autoload=1) in WNOS.INI.
    5. Restart the thin client.
    The BIOS is updated automatically.


    This does not occur. The thin client running 8.6.024 WTOS does not update the BIOS. I’ve verified the filename, the Autoload statement and that the BIOS file is in the WNOS root. WTOS updates take place as expected, but the BIOS updates don’t. Is there a minimum level of BIOS required for the FTP update to take place? Other than the install instructions above, there are no other docs with the BIOS download.

    • Total Post: 10696
    • Jedi Master
    • ★★★★★★★

    Check your ftp log. It will show you which file(name) the Thin Client is looking for. Then rename your BIOS file accordingly.
    Is it really a 5040 All in one you are using?


    • Total Post: 5
    • Newbie

    Verified it’s the 5040. I found I may be making an assumption on the BIOS update, though. These clients are using HTTP to get wnos.ini(and device ini), wtos firmware updates etc. Will http work with the BIOS update like it does the wnos.ini and firmware updates?

    I’ve checked the IIS logs and it’s not trying to get any bios files

    • Total Post: 10696
    • Jedi Master
    • ★★★★★★★

    http is fully supported.
    Try to rename the BIOS file to ZD10_bios.bin
    Post your http log.


    • Total Post: 33
    • Frequent Flyer
    • ★★★

    Here’s what I do to test a particular BIOS using WDM.

    Each of our devices has a SN.ini file that I can use to target individual devices for upgrades… so I rename the BIOS to something like Manual_PAIO10G_bios.bin and drop it in the root of the WDM share.

    SN.ini sample:

    autoload=2 # ENABLE a FORCED firmware UPGRADE process
    PlatformConfig=”D Class” Firmware=PD10_wnos_8.6_27 BIOS=Manual_PAIO10G_bios.bin # — Force Zero Client to look for a different Firmware/BIOS

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