how to unlock 1200LE Terminal

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  • #1860
    • Total Post: 12
    • Regular Joe
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    I have got Locked 1200LE Terminal. After booting all the options are disabled except System Information & Shutdown.

    I have tried following options to update the firmware but no success :

    1) Holding down the G key while starting – No effect

    2) Updating the firmware via DHCP option 161 & 162. No success. It seems the Node is set in static IP mode & it is not accessing the DHCP Server. I have got other working nodes & they are being updated through DHCP, but the Locked one is not getting updated.

    3) In the Event Log Screen it is showing following errors :
    2: Characteristics : Autopower LockDown
    11: Cannot access system profile

    Please help me to how to unlock this Terminal.


    • Total Post: 10696
    • Jedi Master
    • ★★★★★★★

    As you have access to the system information you can find out the IP address of the client.
    If it isn’t one of your DHCP server or network range you have to create a network for this client.
    Give your PC with FTP server installed a second IP address that fits to the one the 1200LE has.
    Now install NetMon on your server and scan the network while the 1200LE is booting. This way you can find out what IP address of the FTP server the client is looking for.
    This is the IP you should give your FTP server now. Create the needed wnos folder structure and put a wnos.ini in there with “Privilege=high” in there.


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