How do I set the Webcam resolution to HD for Teams video redirection?

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  • #52879
    Paul van Rijn
    • Total Post: 1
    • Newbie

    Hi all,

    We managed to get Teams working with Audio & Video redirection. Our setup:

    • wyse 5070 (Celeron)
    • Logitech HD Pro Webcam C920 (but other cams worked as well)
    • Bios 1.7.1
    • ThinOS 9.0.2108
    • Citrix Workspace App 2006.1126
    • Citrix VDA 2006

    We still have some Screen refresh issues on Dual screens but setting the Citrix Policy “Enable video codec for compression set to full screen” is a good enough workaround for now. Disconnect/reconnect also results in screenrefresh issues. So where still not ready for going live but where getting close!

    My question is about the webcam resolution on ThinOS 9. During a Teams meeting session the resolution is very poor. Certainly not 1280×720. How can I change this?

    I already tried some registry settings in HKCU\Software\Citrix\HDXrealtime without result.

    On thinos 8.x we could adjust the raw resolution of the webcam. Is this also coming back in ThinOS 9?

    • Total Post: 10696
    • Jedi Master
    • ★★★★★★★

    The screen refresh issues in a dual screen setup should be fixed in the upcoming release next month.
    Not sure if or when the raw adjustment is coming back.


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