How can I access the VDI virtual desktop by using wyse V10L?

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  • #807
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    • Newbie

    The OS version of V10L is Thin OS 5.02. The Connection Broker is VMware’s VDM 2.0. It was said that V10L requires a fully trusted certificate. How can I make a fully trusted certificate? Thanks very much!

    • Total Post: 1649
    • Jacked into The Matrix
    • ★★★★★★


    You will need to complete the following steps to use the Beta VDM2 with a V10L:

    – Upgrade the Firmware to the latest 5.3x – you will need to contact Wyse support for this as the code is not publicly available.

    – Set up a ftp server with the wnos.ini. In the INI there is a command to import the VDM root certificate. Have a look at the PNagent sample config in the WTOS downloads section of this site.

    – Once its up and running you will need to assign the desktop by login in from a PC first with the VDM client and tick the box to always use this desktop. The VDM and V10L can not pull new desktops from a pool yet.

    Sounds hard? Its not once you get the hang of it, also its beta code so there are some kinks to iron out yet,


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