high bandwidth consumption when using MIC

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  • #54047
    • Total Post: 13
    • Regular Joe
    • ★★

    I have Wyse 3040 clients running ThinOS 8.6 and connecting to Windows Server 2016 RDSH with a USB Headset. When using micro (teams, zoom, webrtc), we observe a high bandwidth consumption in upload (more than 1mbps) while in the same configuration but from a windows 10 workstation, there is only 150kb. I have tried all the latest firmwares, on RDS 2019 and several different settings but I still have the same problem.
    I opened an incident at Dell which confirmed the problem but without proposing a solution for the moment.

    • Total Post: 275
    • Jacked into The Matrix
    • ★★★★★★

    You’re maybe falling into a low level “RemoteFX” redirection for the USB headset ? Meaning that the raw data is uploaded to the host.

    What is you VUSB_AUDIO value ?

    • Total Post: 13
    • Regular Joe
    • ★★

    disablesound=no mapdisks=no unmapusb=no VUSB_DISKS=yes VUSB_AUDIO=no VUSB_PRINTER=no VUSB_VIDEO=no

    • Total Post: 275
    • Jacked into The Matrix
    • ★★★★★★

    Looks good.

    If you have the opportunity, test a jack headset (or smartphone earbuds w/ microphone) .

    • Total Post: 13
    • Regular Joe
    • ★★

    this is part of the set of tests that I have done and it does not change anything.
    I am very surprised that no one else has mentioned this problem which prevents heavy use of WEBRTC on a remote site.

    • Total Post: 275
    • Jacked into The Matrix
    • ★★★★★★

    Yes, you’re right. Tested with a 5010 (D10D)

    It’s even worst… because even w/o headset plugged, the bandwidth is consumed…

    As soon as I open Zoom application Audio test panel, more than 1Mb/s from the Wyse to the Host is consumed.

    From a W10 client, I don’t see this bandwidth consumption.

    I guess it went unnoticed because we this stays low. (My current problem is using cameras. ThinOS has only RemoteFX redirection. and consume 15 Mb./s to upload the raw data. OTHO W10 has “remote camera” which consume only ~2Mb)

    • Total Post: 275
    • Jacked into The Matrix
    • ★★★★★★

    Tested also with a 5070. Both running ThinOS 8.6_511

    • Total Post: 13
    • Regular Joe
    • ★★

    the new firmware does not solve this problem either.

    • Total Post: 275
    • Jacked into The Matrix
    • ★★★★★★

    Ok. Keep us updated about Dell responses. Thanks.

    • Total Post: 13
    • Regular Joe
    • ★★

    We finally got feedback from DELL support !!

    We have major version on firmware available for 3040 ThinOS device : ThinOS 9.1.1131 Could you please load to 1x device and share feedback.

    Test conclusion: with the firmware in 9.1.113, the bandwidth consumed when using a microphone to a 2019 or 2016 RDS farm is even greater than in version 8.6 …

    it is hopeless …


    That said when I read the release notes and more specifically this:

    NOTE: Dell Technologies has moved from the proprietary RDP client to the Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD) Linux SDK for RDP support. This change has resulted in feature loss compared to 8.x due to limitations in the Linux SDK from Microsoft.

    it surprises me a little less



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