Hiding Apps – Using Local Users

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  • #5955
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    I have a couple of Citrix Servers Setup.

    I use V10Ls to connect to them.

    I have a few V10s in the Library, which students can log into and view their apps and use them, i.e. Explorer, Firefox, Word, Excel etc. HERE Explorer and Firefox Open up to the Library’s Homepage

    Now I need to setup a few more V10s in a different department, where the students will come in and log on.

    But I don’t want Explorer and Firefox to open to Library’s Homepage, and I don’t want to show Word/Excel etc.

    The problem is, since these are the same students that Log in from Library.

    I am willing to use local users, and give them rights to specific Apps and changing their Homepage, but I need more help on how to do this.

    Thank you in advance.

    • Total Post: 10696
    • Jedi Master
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    This is not a Wyse thing.
    You are publishing apps in Citrix and giving access to these apps to some people.
    Now you want Citrix to show different apps while the user remains the same.

    The only workaround would be to define the connections to the needed apps on the new client. This way the user is not logging in in first place and does see the app directly. Once started he has to authenticate if you want him to do.


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