Form1 popup window

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  • #106470
    • Total Post: 10
    • Regular Joe
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    Hi all,

    Something we have never seen before, so I had to post. We publish some persistent desktops from Citrix (7.15 LTSR CU7) and connecting from internal or external sources is fine.

    When we connect to the desktops from a thin client however, selfserviceplugin.exe spawns a little blank window that says Form1. You can click on it to close it. We use 5010 and 5070 in our environment. In the screenshot I’m also showing the workspace version, we are  standard on 8.6_807 for our thin clients. Looking for this error online yielded very few results.

    We have tried different firmware versions, a clean wnos file, different versions of workspace etc. I’m running out of ideas. Was hoping someone has seen this before. We are reaching out to Dell and Citrix today.

    Form1 popup

    • Total Post: 10
    • Regular Joe
    • ★★

    My apologies, not a Wyse issue at all. We found out it was a keyword we were using, TreatAsApp, for a desktop delivery group. For whatever reason, this causes the popup window when connecting to a desktop in the group from any Wyse Device. I can only hope this helps out someone in the future if it comes up.

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