DVI + VGA Splitter not detected

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  • #44319
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    Hi Guys,


    I have around 80 D10D 5010 with ThinOS in production. The majority are using DVI to DVI+VGA Splitter cables.

    I have just recently updated the firmware, built a WDM server and generated a new WNOS.ini with the Generator from this site. Everything seemed to be going great but then, as devices started rebooting, I started getting reports of the dual screen setups changing to mirror mode rather than extended mode. Interestingly this is only occurring with the new batch of splitter cables. The supplier, DELL, is telling us that they are the correct cables. I have tried rolling back the firmware but the problem persists.

    Looking at the affected devices display settings it seems the device is not detecting the second screen. There is no Screen 1, Screen 2, dropdown menu.

    That leads me to believe the issue is with my WNOS.ini and how the monitors are detected.

    What I have is copied below, and it makes sense to me, but I thought you guys might see something I don’t that will help me out.

    Any ideas would be great!



    ;* *
    ;* This wnos.ini file was generated with the *
    ;* Configuration Generator 7.7.02 *
    ;* Copyright by Thomas Moellerbernd *
    ;* *
    ;* https://technicalhelp.de *
    ;* *
    ;* General 1 *

    autoload=1 LoadPkg=1 VerifySignature=no
    ; If you are using a version of WTOS code < 7.1_133 please use:
    ; Rapportserver= instead of WDMServer=

    ;* General 2 *


    ;* General 3 *

    NoticeFile=AUS.txt Resizable=yes

    ;* Display *

    ; If you are using a version of WTOS code < 7.0.1_13 please use:
    ; Resolution=DDC Refresh=
    ;Screen=1 Resolution=DDC
    DeskColor=”0 78 152″
    Dualhead=yes Mainscreen=1 MonitorAutoDetect=yes
    Screensaver=5 SoftSaver=yes Type=0

    ;* Redirection *


    ;* Time *

    Timeserver=pool.ntp.org Timeformat=”12-hour format” Dateformat=dd/mm/yyyy
    TimeZone=’GMT + 09:30′ ManualOverride=yes Daylight=yes Start=100107 End=040107 TimeZoneName=”AUS Central Standard Time” DayLightName=”AUS Central Daylight Time”

    ;* Network *

    ; If you are using a version of WTOS code < 7.1_133 please use:
    ; RapportDisable= instead of WDMService=
    WDMService=Yes DHCPinform=yes DNSLookup=yes
    SignOn=Yes ConnectionManager=Hide SaveLastDomainUser=No EnableLocal=0
    MaxVNCD=1 VNCD_8bits=no
    VncPrompt=no ActiveVisible=no ViewOnly=no

    • Total Post: 10696
    • Jedi Master
    • ★★★★★★★

    And you do not see this issue with older splitter cables?
    Sounds like an issues with monitor DDC.
    If ThinOS cannot recognized the attached monitor, it will fall back to single monitor.
    Nothing wrong with your INI file.


    • Total Post: 3
    • Newbie

    Thanks for the reply CG. It’s good to know the INI is fine.

    Yes I can confirm the old splitter cable works ok. We have many different models of monitor out there so I may have to do some testing with different monitors and even different VGA cables to try and determine if it is a DDC issue. Thanks for the tip.

    I have also just noticed all of these devices have been deployed with an associated INC file in the following format.

    Resolution=1920×1080 Refresh=60
    DeskColor=”255 255 255″

    I noticed in the generated INI there is a note to use “Resolution=DCC Refresh=” if the firmware is below 7.0.1_13, which our production firmware no longer is. Could these settings be causing any issue? These INC files are used to customise the resolution for users who struggle to read at the default resolution.




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