DNS SRV Records

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  • #105223
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    It’s my understanding that ThinOS 9.0+ will not support configuration via FTP. With this in mind, I’ve installed WMS 3.2. At the moment only three (_WMS_MQTT, _WMS_CAValidation, _WMS_GROUPTOKEN) of the DNS SRV Records are coming through to the thin client.

    I’m currently running 8.6_013 on my test bench 5070, it does not seem like it will grab the _WMS_MGMT record and defaults to https://usl.wysemanagementsuite.com. Is this a known issue, is this to be expected, have I messed something up?

    To be honest my organization is starting to get a little frustrated, FTP never worked as reliably as it should. FTP behavior seemed very dependent on FW revisions, we were hoping a migration to WMS would be smoother but at the moment that doesn’t appear to be the case.

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    I have noticed that too. In order for my devices to check in, I have to uncheck the DNS SRV, which my internal devices need it enable to check in. My external devices will never check in with it checked.

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    Yeah, I just upgraded to 9.1.1131 and it doesn’t seem like any of the SRV records come through on this version. WMS works if I type in the group token, WMS Server, etc. but nothing comes through on it’s own. I’m in the process of upgrading again to 9.1.2101, we’ll see if that behaves any differently.

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    It doesn’t seem like 9.1.2101 is going to work either, 8.6_013 pulled in three of the SRV Records almost instantly. I’m not seeing anything on 9.1.2101, under “About” is shows “WMS Status: Detecting” but I’m not sure if it’s doing anything.

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