Dell Wyse 5070 – can not decrypt root partition

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  • #107199
    [email protected]
    • Total Post: 37
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    we have a 100% working 5070 device with ThinOS 9.1.5067
    I used the “Wyse USB Imaging Tool” to pull an image from this device.
    Then we pushed this image to another 5070 device, which refuses to boot since than…
    We get the following error message, as shown also in attached picture:
    “Fatal Error: Can not decrypt Root partition. This may caused by TPM/PTT/NIC device disable/enable in BIOS.”

    Thanks for any suggestions/help.

    Jim Lathan
    • Total Post: 314
    • Jacked into The Matrix
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    It is best practice to install ThinOS with either USBFT using the merlin image or with WMS. If you are not using WMS, and are wanting to replicate settings, export the settings from the device to a USB key. After you install ThinOS, there is an OOBE that will allow you to import the settings you saved.


    [email protected]
    • Total Post: 37
    • Frequent Flyer
    • ★★★

    Hello Jim, until now we have always installed the simple ThinOS image and not the merlin image. What is the difference?
    We are using WMS on premise.

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