Dell Wyse 5040 AIO – Webcam to Windows 10 Not Working

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  • #52642
    • Total Post: 2
    • Newbie

    Hi all,

    I’ve been fighting this for a few days and looking through all the posts, can’t find something that tells me what I’m doing wrong.

    Dell Wyse 5040 AIO thin client.

    Firmware 8.6_015

    Windows 10 Professional is the target RDP host

    I cannot get the built-in web cam, or even an attached USB web cam, to appear in the VM host. This is direct RDP, not through a TS gateway or similar.

    Below is the wnos.ini that I have fiddled with for hours without luck. I have verified I can connect to the same Windows 10 host from both another Windows machine and two MacOS clients via Remote Desktop and get access to their web cams without issue, so it doesn’t seem to be on the Windows 10 side as far as I can tell.

    ;* *
    ;* This wnos.ini file was generated with the *
    ;* Configuration Generator 8.5.02 *
    ;* Copyright by Thomas Moellerbernd *
    ;* *
    ;* *
    ;* *

    ;* General 1 *


    ;* General 3 *


    ;* Privilege *


    ;* Redirection *

    Device=vusb ForceRedirect=0x064e,0x920c,0xef,0x02,0x01

    ;* Time *

    Timeserver=Timeserver Timeformat=”24-hour format” Dateformat=yyyy/mm/dd
    TimeZone=’GMT – 05:00′ ManualOverride=yes Daylight=yes Start=030207 End=110107 TimeZoneName=”Eastern”

    ;* Network *


    ;* Services *

    Service=SNMPD disable=yes
    Service=ThinPrint disable=yes
    Service=VNCD disable=yes
    Service=WDM disable=yes

    ;* General Session *

    SessionConfig=ALL UnmapPrinters=no UnmapSerials=no Smartcards=no MapDisks=no DisableSound=No UnmapUSB=no USB_AUDIO=yes VUSB_VIDEO=yes

    ;* RDP *

    SessionConfig=RDP USBRedirection=RDP

    ;- RDP Session 1 –
    ;- Each line but the last must end with a ‘\’ –

    Host=Family-VM \
    Description=”Family VM” \
    Username=matt \
    WyseVDA=yes \

    • Total Post: 2
    • Newbie

    Updated to 8.6_412  and still no luck.

    • Total Post: 5
    • Newbie

    Fighting with the same thing.

    Had it initially working with our 5470 Mobile in a test environment with Direct RDP setup, but cannot get it working right now with TS Gateway and RD Broker configured. Connecting from a Windows device does initialize the webcam, so it’s not the TS/RD settings or policies.

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